but he wasn't in Govt at the time of the impaction of the boring...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 649

    but he wasn't in Govt at the time of the impaction of the boring stool.

    the reports at the time said the management had put aside the geotechnical analysis that was presented.


    The Snowy 2.0 pumped storage project is a major expansion of the existing Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Scheme which will almost double the existing scheme's capacity, adding 2000 MW of energy generation and large-scale energy storage of 350 000 MW hours. The project combines a high head differential, long and deep waterway tunnels and reversible pump-turbines housed within a deep underground power station. The project site is situated within a complex alpine geological and hydrogeological setting which presents significant geotechnical uncertainties for subsurface construction, making it difficult to accurately predict construction time and costs in anticipation of construction. To address these conditions, the contract for the construction of the project's underground works incorporates a Geotechnical Baseline Report (GBR) to set out geotechnical riskallocation mechanisms, with an aim for fair and balanced allocation of geotechnical risks between the Employer and the Contractor. This paper presents key concepts applied in the development of the risk-sharing mechanisms and GBR for Snowy 2.0.

    https://search.informit.org/doi/10.3316/informit.862738167167833. this is report to the Australasian Tunnelling Conference 01/01/21.

    it was the Morrison govt who was responsible for this mess. the Minister was Angus Taylor.
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