so it's gillard - but, but ....., page-35

  1. 23,992 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Yes, I'm afraid that instead of just Rudd shooting himself in the foot over the mining tax, they may have shot the whole thing in the foot now as people are angry they voted for Rudd for Prime Minister, and now have Gillard, who is certainly not seen as popular.

    They're going to have to do some very swift talking to get any numbers in the polls to get a quick election in this honeymoon period and another term.

    I suspect they've just shot any hope they had of that unless there's some swift backiong down on some of the problem areas.

    Got to wonder if there is a political party out there prepared to listen to the people.
    Hope I have an independent in my next election, as I wouldn't give twopence for the major parties at the moment.
    Mr Don Key is looking better every day!

    Liberals have never had their act together since Howard left - and want to do some things that imo are even WORSE than we now have.

    The baby bonus and paid leave is a shocker imo. I believe it should be a once only payment, so we don't encourage all the wrong people to breed like rabbits and the sensible ones only have one or two children.
    (Don't ask me to put my opinion of who are the 'wrong' people into words - it will have to remain unwritten)

    I don't like getting into the political threads, but I am pretty unhappy at the back stabbing that's gone on in caucus in the last 24 hours.

    Bring back REAL democracy!

    Right now, the banks, miners, unions and oil companies appear to be running the country for their own best gain.

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