So long for the cause celebre of the pro-people sm

  1. 672 Posts.
    So long for the cause celebre of the pro-people smuggler movement. Under labors old policies he would probably be on the dole by now. Fortunately with the extra scrutiny now in place, cheats like this won't steal spots from real refugees. I wonder if the naive pro-smuggler groups will wake up to reality now that their acclaimed hero has been proven a fraud.

    The truth behind Bakhtiyari
    By Russell Skelton
    Charkh, Afghanistan
    August 23 2002

    Ali Bakhtiyari, the refugee accused of having fraudulently obtained a temporary protection visa, has admitted to the The Age that he spent two years in the Pakistani city of Quetta before paying people smugglers thousands of dollars to get him to Australia.

    His admission comes after extensive inquiries in the Uruzgan village of Charkh, where Mr Bakhtiyari claimed he lived before fleeing the Taliban in March, 1998, failed to find any evidence that he or his wife, Roqia, ever lived there.

    A two-week Age investigation in Afghanistan has found that Mr Bakhtiyari has not lived in Charkh or its surrounding district and most likely lived in Iran for some time with his mother and brother, who moved there in the late 1990s.

    The investigation has also uncovered an extensive people-smuggling network operating among Hazara communities throughout the impoverished areas of Uruzgan province and Hazarajat, where people are being kept from starvation by a massive international food assistance program.

    At least 60 asylum seekers from the Pul-i-Afghanan district, 60 kilometres north of Charkh, are stranded in detention on Nauru after collectively paying a smuggler more than $1 million to get them to Australia. It is estimated that smugglers have sent more than 200 people to Australia from the area over the past two years and before the Howard Government adopted its so-called Pacific solution.



    Villagers said smugglers routinely supplied people with false IDs and personal histories to make it difficult for Australian authorities to investigate claims of persecution. They said a regular part of the people-smuggling network included a "20-day stopover" in Quetta, where "asylum seekers" were drilled on what to tell immigration authorities to ensure applications for refugee status were heard.

    During an interview with The Age by satellite phone last week, Mr Bakhtiyari, speaking through an interpreter, admitted that it had been "many years" since he had lived in Afghanistan, adding that he had lived in Quetta for two years.

    Mr Bakhtiyari said he had told immigration officials about his period in Quetta when he arrived in Australia without travel documents in October, 1999.

    However, a chronology of his personal history prepared by his lawyers does not mention his time in Quetta. It says: "Mr Bakhtiyari left Afghanistan in March, 1998, and travelled to Rawalpindi, in Pakistan, where he was subsequently joined by his wife, their five children and his wife's brother."

    The Federal Government has consistently argued that Mr Bakhtiyari's asylum claims are not genuine and the Immigration Department has taken Federal Court action threatening to cancel Mr Bakhtiyari's visa on the basis that it was obtained "fraudulently, under false pretences". He is challenging their assertions in the High Court. The hearing is scheduled for September.

    Mr Bakhtiyari's lawyer, Kerry Murphy, declined to comment yesterday.

    Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock has said that the family are Pakistani nationals. He has said his department received information from an informant that Mr Bakhtiyari was from Quetta, which has a large transient Hazara population. It is alleged he worked there as a plumber. Immigration officials are currently in Quetta investigating.

    The Bakhtiyari family made international headlines last month when Alamdar, 14, and Muntazer Bakhtiyari, 12, applied unsuccessfully for political asylum at the British consulate in Melbourne after escaping from the Woomera detention centre in June.

    The Age conducted an extensive investigation into Mr Bakhtiyari's background, starting in Kabul and including three days in Charkh, in Sahrestan, in the central province of Uruzgan, where anti-Western sentiment is running high after US war planes bombed a wedding party and killed more than 60 guests.

    A meeting of Charkh village chiefs headed by village Imam Mausa Ansari concluded that no one fitting Mr Bakhtiyari's description had ever lived in Charkh or any of its three village subdivisions.

    The chiefs said the Bakhtiyari family was not listed on the district register of 800 families and 10,000 people. During the course of the investigation, Mr Bakhtiyari, who was contacted regularly from Afghanistan, three times changed the name of the village where he claimed to have spent 30 years. Before leaving for Afghanistan he told The Age that he lived in "Charkh in Sahrestan" in Hazara heartland.

    However, he repeatedly changed his story. None of his claims stood up to scrutiny.

    To assist in the investigation in Afghanistan The Age retained the services of two experienced interpreters - Nadir Saikal, who has worked with detainees at Woomera, and Muhib Habibi, a Kandahar-based Afghan interpreter who has studied and worked in Quetta. School teacher Mohammad Jan Peicar, a Hazara who has taught in Charkh and Chaprasak schools since 1992, was also retained to make introductions and provide open and free access to village chiefs and elders.

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