so much for kohlers whale rolling over, page-11

  1. 6,204 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 22
    bricks and mortar put us into this crash and bricks and
    mortar will lead us out ....the govt will not let the banks fall over .( look at USA )
    I have been in real estate for years , thru crashes and the boom years etc , made a few good calls , when you look at rental income and associated costs , you dont make much on your return either rent wise or selling wise .
    Buy for $300,00 sell for $400,000 in 6 years , profit of
    $100,00 right?? $100,000 less stamp duty , less costs
    after tax deductions for rates and taxes , less interest payments after tax etc , then tax on the so called profit .
    eats away at your $100,00 profit real quick . The property can also devalue if flats , bottleshops etc is built next door or worse still your road turns into a freeway etc .
    Shares can rise and fall but the dividends and franked credits outstrip property all the time , have a look at schillers graph on property . If you dont sell quality property or quality shares if the market dips what..
    I mean do you look at the value of your house every day to see if you have made a profit ???
    Buy houses and shares at the bottom...contrarian rule..
    I bought real estate in 1980's when I was told I was mad by my accountant , he also told me I was mad when I sold some houses and bought shares in march this year ...
    Ive kept the shares and some quality houses both I bought real cheap. What did I shares ofcourse ..oh
    NAB has cdo's of 14billion with a write down of 3.9billion ..why keep them...another cap raising on the cards???maybe..I suppose you think Im mad again...maybe I am...
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