so tell me...why does the world sit on its hands?

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    Whether or not the Coalition was right or wrong...

    ..why are they not ALL pitching in to wipe these vermin off the face of the planet???

    Political mileage with the coins cast in civilian deaths!!

    Fresh bomb carnage in Baghdad
    By staff writers with wire services
    May 12, 2005
    From: Agence France-Presse

    Mixed area ... a suicide bomber is believed to be responsible / AFP AT least 15 people have been killed and 84 wounded after a car bomb explosion on a busy main street in the Jadida district of the Iraqi capital.

    Medics at Kindi hospital said they had received the bodies of 12 dead, three of them women, with 76 wounded, including 10 women.
    Another three dead and eight wounded, three of them women, were taken to Ibn-Anafees hospital.

    An interior ministry official had earlier put the initial toll at 12 dead and 55 wounded.

    The blast, in a busy mixed neighbourhood, was caused by a suicide bomber, he said.

    At least eight cars and a bus were caught in the blast at 10:55 am (1655 AEST), while a number of storefronts were blown in and stalls operated by street vendors were sent flying.

    Twisted bodies in ripped clothes were wheeled away in street peddlers' carts by residents as thick black smoke billowed into the sky.

    Hysterical residents wailed and threw their arms up in the air as medics and police extracted charred bodies from the bus.

    US forces who arrived at the scene after the blast fired rounds into the air to disperse the crowd while bystanders threw stones at them, witnesses said.

    "There was no sign of a police presence or US patrols at the time of the explosion," 32-year-old mechanic Anwar Ibrahim, who witnessed the blast but escaped unhurt, said.

    Apartments had their windows blown in and roofs damaged.

    Meanwhile, Kirkuk, 290km to the north of Baghdad, was rocked by two blasts, one targeting a police station, and at least two people were killed.

    One blast occurred in a residential area of central Kirkuk, killing two people and wounding two, police Captain Sarhad Talabani said.

    Police first thought the car bomb was targeting a nearby Shiite mosque but later concluded it had been aimed at an even closer police station, he said.

    Explosives experts had earlier been called to the north-eastern city entrance after residents spotted a roadside bomb.

    As the experts dismantled the bomb, a bomb in a car parked nearby exploded, wounding two of them and destroying a nearby police car and a vehicle owned by a resident.

    Baghdad and other Iraqi cities have been hit by relentless car bomb and suicide attacks in recent days.

    The country is still reeling from a series of attacks in which 76 people were killed yesterday.
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