so turns out syria is probably about oil., page-10

  1. 4,227 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 44
    I posted this video link before. It's 50 minutes long but it explains some of what is going on in the middle east.

    Some key points are:

    01:50 - Are chemical weapons a false flag?
    07:30 - General Wesley Clark re US invasion plans, overheard in the Pentagon.
    14:00 - Israeli plan that would divide up Syria into smaller states.
    17:50 - The resource war. The Iran-Iraq-Syria natural gas pipeline.
    20:20 - F. William Engdahl speech re the gas pipline and the overthrow of the Assad Govt.
    28:40 - Pepe Escobar interview. Saudi Bandar Bin Sultan is running the show.
    39:05 - Sibel Edmonds interview. The military industrial complex feeds off the wars.

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