so what about jesus?

  1. 2,063 Posts.
    There is no intellectual dispute that the Jewish Religious leaders of the day handed Jesus to the Civil authorities to be crucified. There is just too much evidence.

    The fuss is really about the DIETY of Jesus. The film is true to the 64 books of the bible that say unequivocally yes! Jesus WAS the living Son of God. Some Jews are naturally concerned that this thought may re-establish the same anti-Jewish feeling that Hitler used to try and exterminate them 50 years ago. Should we be concerned to?

    I ask you two simple questions:
    What held Jesus to the cross, was it nails or was it his love for us? You see he may have easily avoided death, by speaking up in any one of his 3 illegal trials and denying he was the Messiah, but he knew that we would need him one day. That day comes for us when we realise there is only one cure for sin. That antidote is the blood of the spotless Lamb.
    What would happen to you if you died tonight? Saying yes to Jesus will ensure your eternal future.
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