how much money can be made in clean coal

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    2,595 Posts.,20867,21364537-2702,00.html

    With it looking like the major parties are going to become involved in a bidding war over supporting clean coal, I was wondering whether these sector will take off? Will it be completely dependent on government grants and emmission requirements? If they can get the industry up and going, will they export their services to China and India? What are the best bets?

    Personally, know very little about this, so thought it might be an interesting post. My first impression, at least in the long-term, is that they should be subsidising the renewables market. But in the short-term, I suppose they are of interest, especially if they can make a buck.

    Our list of clean coal companies (so far)

    LNC - Linc (insitu coal to liquids)
    CXY - Cougar Energy (insitu coal to gas and liquids)
    CNM - Carnegie (cleaner burning process)
    MEE - Metex (coal to gas as a non core project)
    ESI Environmental Clean Technologies
    WEC -
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