so what if they did kill jesus?, page-24

  1. 406 Posts.
    re: so what about the film? The debate is not whether the Jews were responsible for the death of Yeshua . Historically he was a Jew from The northern part of Israel , known as Galil . He lived in one of the most difficult periods in our history - the oppression of the Jewish people by the mighty Roman Empire .
    These were very tring years . In another way this was a daylight dual between two oppossing dogmas . Monotheism versus Paganism . Believers in a highly spirtual homogenous invisible power versus Heathians who worshipped stones , trees , materials .

    The confrontation had no possible compromise . It was another vertibrea in the skeleton of coflict between these two dogmas . That is the crux of the matter . Yeshua is not the beginning but the consequence of very tiring 2000 years prior to his emergence . The Jews were then simply mentally eroded by their monotheistic battle for supremacy of one god over the primitive heathian world ( Eygpt / caanan / Babilon / Persia / Ashur / Helas / Roma ) . NO OTHER NATION IN HISTORY ENDURED WHAT THE JEWS HAVE .

    The rebellion of the Jews against the Romans was for many the last straw . General Bar Cochva troops which at one stage were headed by Yosef Ben Matityahu ( Josefus Plavius ) had no chance of winning that war . The state of Judea , as Israel was then known , has had 300 years of ongoing fighting since the defeat of Helas and the emergence of Roma .
    Many sought alternatives . Yeshua was one of many prophets . It was very difficult for the Jewish leadership who tried to retain some balance and avoid expulsin of the entire people .
    The arrival of Yeshua and his philosophy was antagonised by the troops who rebelled against the Romans and the leaders of the occupied state who were the religious rabais . The debate of how to handle the Roman situation was very painful among the Jews . desperation was rife . Yeshua was one of those that supposedly offerred a way out of the conflict . A different way .
    At the end of this tring period Yeshua was crucified by the Romans . The Romans sent Titus to Judea and he defeated the rebels . Jerusalem was captured in year 66 and the symbol of the Jewish independence and Monotheism was destroyed for the next 1882 years when the modern state of Israel was reborn in 1948 .

    4 million Jews were expelled from their country into Rome and they were the slaves of the Romans .
    The deciples of Yeshua have spread their teachings into Europe where they were persecuted and pogrommed by the Pagans for about 4 centuries . Chrisianity has taken over Europe and the rest is history . Christianity has turned its arrows through the incitements of the new testament towards the very people whose prophet belonged to !
    For thousdans of years the Catholic and the Lutheran churches were the main force behind the hatered and incitement against Jews , citing that moment in controversial history , that Mel Gibson is so pre occupied with . It it was not so serious , it would be another testimony to embedded , almost pathological inheruted hatered , that goes from father to son over centuries in Christianity . Mel Gibson phenomenon is not an empty one . It sucks its origins from his father , an American who lived in Australia , a holocoast denier and a well known antisemite .

    Back to year 66-73
    The defeat of Judea by Titus troops was so important for the Romans that if you ever visit the forum in Rome , not far away from the Colloseum , you will see the Arch of Triumph , that was erected in memory and gratitude by the Romans to Titus . The Jewish symbol of the Menorah is well depicted there with the slave-jews behind .
    Three and half years after the fall of Jerudsalem , the last remnants of freedom fighters Jews , purists , on a mount , very hard to conquer , in the southern desert , facing the mighty red mountains that engulf the Dead Sea , a mountain known as Massada , these besieged warriors decided to take their own life , rather than succumbing to slavery and paganism . They killed their families and then committed suicide . The Romans having at last arrived at the crest of the mountain , after 3 years of siege , found hundreds of dead corpses. That was the last chapter in Jewish independence 1931 years ago .
    These chain of events is very important because it depicts the spirit of that era and explains the origins of Christianity in and from Judea and its Jewish people .

    The movie that was made by Gibson , is not going to serve any good to the Jews and Israel . It is going to incite more people against us . No doubt . As if we do not have enough hatered from the Arab / Muslim world and the LEFT MOVEMENT in the West .

    Unfortunately the movie was made and it is basically another justification for those who anyhow hate us to have a party . It is a pity an Australian is the propogator here , because most Aussies are not religious people and are not antisemite as Europeans are .

    For me , as a very proud In my Jewish heritage , it is another bad chapter , in an unfortunate long one , that I have had to deal with most of my life .

    I have a prayer that most open minded modern Australian and westerners would utterly trivialize this movie as an opportunistic experiment of another inciter in humanity .
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