The CIA came out and admitted the Bin Laden video was...

  1. 1,616 Posts.
    The CIA came out and admitted the Bin Laden video was fake.
    (after people analyzed it and said he's already dead and the person in the video was right handed whilst the real Bin Laden was left handed. Bin Laden also said he did not do the attacks in Pakistani news which also reported he died in Dec 2001 and NBC in the US before they were told to withdraw those comments).

    Yes America is now bankrupt.
    But alot of individuals made Billions of dollars that day, also during the war efforts. It's a military industrial complex.
    Also the pentagon wiped off $2.3trillion that day that they announced the previous day that they couldn't account for.

    It certainly helps the puppet masters.
    They now have armies in the middle east fighting their zionistic cause, the American people are now poorer whilst they made a fortune, also the changes in law following that day including changes in the ammendment have given alot more power to this elite and massive changes in law giving people less rights and privacy.

    Look into "Project for the New American Centrury"
    Look who created it and how 9/11 was their so called 'new pearl harbor' which has let them roll out this plan. Founders of it are Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz...
    It talk about fighting multiple wars in the middle east an making "star war" a national priority.
    They are certainly fighting multiple wars now.
    They also just 'lost' a DARPA jet that went into space and have HAARP technology for creating weather which they stole off Nikola Tesla after killing him.

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