So you don't think there is anything after you die?, page-158

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    Hi Copperbod - Combi I did have and 'cursed' it, it tended to list to one side - 'reddish' hair, and only longish, not long (and seriously married) - but jokes aside, I/we had hippie friends all with 'Combis' and endless discussion nights drinking cheap, sweet red wine, forget the name now (Marsala?) - some did a little more - never me - now some of us are already in the Happy Hunting Grounds, the remainder are still friends living fairly conservative lives.
    Christians, unless they live the monkish life, don't go in for 'less' I have noticed; I also find it amusing that certain Christian sects are so intent on survival they make it mandatory for their members to hoard one year's supply of food. After all, if the afterlife is so great, shouldn't one be in a hurry to get there?
    I totally agree with you on the attachment 'thing' - and the first and most difficult thing for me, anyway, is to get rid of 'pride' (one of the Seven Deadly Sins, as Mogga has pointed out).
    "Pet" belief: Hotcopper is a rich mine for those - I tread carefully around such people; I don't enjoy hurting people by challenging their 'pet' beliefs, but do get annoyed when language gets out of hand and becomes full of hate: I do listen and try and work out where they come from, what their experiences might be, but in the end its best to avoid such people.
    Mogga: I, too have read Dante's Inferno, must read it again, the version I have isn't very long - an interesting take on the politics of his time, too, I found.
    Our times are a rich mine of iniquity and sinfulness, because we simply 'have so much'; but all this could change within a generation, if we find we can no longer eat so much meat, for example (my dearest wish is for the McDonalds & Co. to go out of business .... just dreaming).
    go well - my lunch hour is finished - work to do
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