What a bad bad joke soccer is. Again we have a game of...

  1. 24,765 Posts.
    What a bad bad joke soccer is.

    Again we have a game of unbearable tension - when do you get that with AFL - and a referee's decision ruining it.

    Just conveneiently fall down in the penalty box, win a penalty and the game.

    The fact that Australia failed to put away Italy when Italy only had 10 men - again a potentially questionable decision to red card the Italian - IS NOT THE ISSUE.

    The issue is the game has once again been decided by the referee.

    Unless you completely owerpower another side in a game of soccer, and I mean completely overpower, you are at great risk of losing because of a bad refereeing decision.

    How the masses are indocrinated to seriously and fanatically follow the game when that is the case is beyond me. Is it their hatred of officialdom?

    Results like last night are just NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

    It's about time soccer at the top level got it's act together. Surely it is time for referring some decisions or non decisions to a video referee?

    But I won't be holding my breath.
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