Social Darwinism is behind the attacks against whiteness

  1. 7,002 Posts.
    They are claiming that white people are an evolutionary throwback that is weakening the general population.

    It is early days but there is a massive stalinist campaign against whiteness especially white males who are the biggest threat to stalinism. it is racist.

    They point to how the wealthier areas must be more intelligent because they voted YES. So not all whites need correcting. But the whites in these areas not at all safe from the thousands of Pol Pots who are festering in the Labor/green cesspit. They are racists .

    The whole basis of the hate is the arrogance of the petty bourgeois ARTS graduates first and foremost.

    Consider these words from 1928 that encapsulate Eugenics or Social Darwinism. 1928 was the lead up but before mass sterilization and euthanasia.

    ... "If Germany gained a million children a year and eliminated 700k to 800k of the weakest then the final result would probably be an increase in strength. The most dangerous thing is for us to cut ourselves off from the natural process of selection... " L Rees The Holocaust.

    Labor/greens have been discussing giving 10 votes to each young person with older voters only getting 1 vote. The crazed stalinists with their Arts degrees can't stand being scorned by voters. After all they are told by crazed lecturers that they are the elite.
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