socialism caused the gfc, page-6

  1. 1,850 Posts.
    you might think it's funny...but the marrage of socialism and capitilism about to get a divorce.
    The reason there are so many hung parliaments around western countries is because over the past 5 decades the two have come together , and push needs to turn into shove, one has to be shown the door.
    centeral control as in coles myer, the banks, ect ect is socialism in commerce.
    as opposed to to centeral markets ...and farmers markets.
    Take the queen vic markets in melbourne, or the centeral market in Adelaide for example. They are made up of a number of individual vendors all competing for buisness, the individual vendors each stamp there own character on there buisness.
    The only role the centeral planing has to simply to provide the venue, the commerece is conducted by nemurous individuals competing with each other.
    there's no monopoly/socialist coles myer in site.
    If these opperators where individual local banks the gfc would not have happened..
    People are now programed to connect with brands , ect ..ect ..there organisations of centeral control ,, in essecense there capitilism and socialism combined..I imagine it will take decades to unravel this socialist mess , just as it has taken decades to create it ... but if you think ..those great places like the markets i mentioned'll see the benifits of socialism and commerce getting a divorce.The idears are getting out there , removing the power of centeralised control and giving it back to the individual makes for a better world ....socialist plunkers of today are at the end of there run ..they can't see it because they have no vision ..there just pushing ahead with an old and failing ethos..but I think it's fair to say the world is faster and faster leaving them behind.
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