Solar Cycle 25, page-237

  1. 2,893 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 297
    Hi Birdman
    you are cherry picking facts or in this case predictions again as you often do .With your method i could take Bradmans last innings and "prove" he was one of the worlds worst test batsmen because he had a duck in his last innings

    Here are the facts for 2018 according Australian BOM Doesnt stack up with the implication of one of the coldest years but does tie in with the warming theory

    Australia’s climate in 2018

    • Australia's third-warmest year on record, with the annual national mean temperature 1.14 °C above average
    • Both mean annual maximum and minimum temperatures above average for all States and the Northern Territory
    • Annual national mean maximum temperature second-warmest on record (1.55 °C above average)
    • Widespread warmth persistent throughout the year; January, February, March, April, July, October, and December all amongst the ten warmest on record for Australian mean temperature for their respective months
    • Nationally-averaged rainfall 11% below average for the year at 412.8 mm (1961–1990 average 465.2 mm)
    • Rainfall below average for very large areas, affecting central and southern Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, eastern South Australia, and the South West Land Division in Western Australia
    • Rainfall above average for northwestern to southeastern Western Australia, and scattered areas elsewhere in northern Australia
    • El Niño–Southern Oscillation neutral for most of the year, despite a very weak La Niña which decayed in early 2018, and the tropical Pacific Ocean warming steadily from late winter
    • A positive Indian Ocean Dipole event during spring
    Note Although it was third warmest at time of writing it no longer is because last year was warmer
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