MRM 0.00% $2.69 mma offshore limited

Solid Profit Forecast, page-12

  1. 3,147 Posts.
    West, shorting provides opportunity, provided the company is sound. Shorters are taking a risk just the same as a buyer going long is taking a risk. Shorting increases liquidity and helps find a market price, where it overshoots lies the opportunity. I think there is opportunity in MMA now.

    Having said that, personally I dislike shorting it just feels immoral and creates anxiety.

    What base do have for a 5% dividend? I see a FY15 NPAT of approx $70m * 50% dividend = $35m/369 = Dividend 9.5c per share...... if averaged in at say $1.30 then 7.3% grossed up to 10.5%. Of course if averaged in at $2.40 plus then not so attractive.
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