Solution to the house price crisis.
1. Drop the ridiculous green tape.
HarryOskar Triguboff let it slip that green tape was costing $200,00 per house.
2. Release bulk land instead of dribs and drabs. The Canberra council recently released about 500 blocks of land when there were many more applicants.
Last July, more than 7400 buyers registered for just 51 blocks in the second release of Macnamara in Jacka "
The blocks range in size from 340 square metres at $568,000 to 912 sqm at $758,000, although 893-sqm block is the most expensive at $762,000." throttling of supply by Labor is aimed at keeping prices very high. After all Labor has to pay billions for a payoff top their coalition partners , the greens, by building a useless tram when electric buses done the job for 1/10 the price.
Labor needs to be exposed for the charlatans that they are. They create problems that they then claim that only they can solve and voters fall for it.