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Originally posted by mudguts:
You already get charged a 'land' tax for investment properties. So in a free market, rental prices finds equilibrium & currently have pricing issues - due to demand high (living close to the coast) & where the jobs are, causing a lack of supply. Land already at a premium in these areas & land banked by Developers, & are OK with sitting on land / slow release of stages....why meet demand, when they make more money by not doing so?? Releasing more land? Where? Or increase population density in the cities...which brings is own plethora or issues. Could look to relase more land in major regionals,(Build it & they will come), but cheap prices wont incentivise workforce, unless job are also available...(needs to be too far for a commute & no FIFO.) Make rural / regional town production centres for industry & increase our supply of manufactured product.. Need to address the trasportation costs as a drag on being competitive pricing (where as cities have a natural advantage). Free market would gravitate to areas that are pinned as major growth centres..housing ect will happen... ...but need a reason to be there.....also a reason to rebuild the train lines ..faster/ cheaper / more efficient.
Thanks for sharing your Ideas , I mainly think about those/organizations who hold multiple properties in their portfolios to manipulate the market,that should be easily track down by Market regulators..that is my idea anyway..