some numbers, page-17

  1. 390 Posts.
    Well i suppose we can only guess, wonder,hope,agonize,accept,etc,what may happen to the
    s.p after consolidation,so as an amateur,ignoramus investor,
    who has tried with minor success in understanding how this
    is meant to pan out,i'll throw my two bobs worth in also.

    At the last meeting, i asked what the company would be called,Carbon Planet,m2m or otherwise.
    It seemed they hadn't really thought about it,but yesterday
    in a phone call to Mourice,he said they would most likely
    be reataining the name m2m, as it's m2m who are buying,
    not Carbon Planet, the name but the business, and all the
    other stuff that goes with it.
    Personally i'm not that keen on m2m as a name,as when i
    first looked up this coy a couple of years ago,and googled
    m2m, among other things, i was confronted with places
    that did male to male massage and the like.

    That not being my cup of tea,i thought their last name of greenchip would be apt,but they've obviously thought about
    it, and that's what we'll be...m2m.

    It seems weird that a little operation like m2m,who can't or possibly never have turned a profit, can "buy" a coy supposedly worth around $100 mill( going on turnover,contracts signed,the amazing amount of groundwork already done.

    Sometimes you could be forgiven that m2m is huge investment monster that buys up investments, and has the knack of turning them into conglomerates overnight,the way
    the stories are

    Re the above posts,m2m is probably lucky it's sitting on
    .004 as it stands as a coy,but come the merger/acquisition
    why wouldn't it be worth the 20cents equivalent to 1 cent.

    I just think it will be a totally different story once all this happens.

    As mentioned in other posts,institutions and brokers will
    be latching on,you would think it will be in the news a
    deal more due to the nature of the business,blah blah

    Anyhow, if they can do what they promise, and contribute to saving forest from being destroyed,while making good profit,then i'm happy to be a part of it............... long as i get my money
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