HDR hardman resources limited

re:hdr not so bad best yet to come Boom not over yet according...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re:hdr not so bad best yet to come Boom not over yet according to this article, Good luck to all.

    Hello All

    This will take a few minutes to read - we are still in a BULL market!

    The recent pullback should be viewed as a buying opportunity, stocks we
    have a BUY include:
    - AMP (AMP)
    - BHP Billiton (BHP)
    - Alumina (AWC)
    - Woodside (WPL)
    - Onesteel (OST)
    - CSR Limited (CSR)

    Please call me to discuss further.

    > Commodities
    > Best is yet to come, says superbull
    > Jim Rogers, George Soros' former right-hand man, reckons the boom
    > could last another 16 years
    > Nils Pratley
    > Tuesday June 6, 2006
    > Guardian
    > It was in 1999 - when the investment world was still bewitched by the
    > supposed "new economy" - that Jim Rogers, the former right-hand man to
    > George Soros, coined the phrase, "The next big thing is things."
    > Buy the old economy, he said - everything from gold to oil to wheat.
    > While you're at it, sell the US dollar, he added, arguing that it was
    > a currency in decline.
    > The timing of his investment call could hardly have been better. The
    > hottest debate in the financial world now is whether the price of
    > "things" - or commodities - is a bubble to match the excesses of the
    > dotcom years.
    > Gold has risen from $250 an ounce to $640. The price of oil, which had
    > fallen as low as $10 a barrel, edged up to $72 a barrel yesterday, as
    > Iran suggested that any western action over its nuclear enrichment
    > programme could hit supplies.
    > The other hot debate is whether the dollar, having declined for five
    > years, is about to fall off a cliff - dragged over by the debts of the
    > US government and American consumers.
    > In other words, Rogers has made a lot of money since 1999.
    > Readers of the Guardian could have done the same, he points out. The
    > New York-based investor had espoused these views in an interview
    > published in these pages in July 2004, when the first leg of the
    > commodity bull market had been up and running. "Remember," he said
    > then, "that the second leg is wonderful, and the third leg is
    > spectacular. In the fourth leg, there is dancing in the streets, and
    > in the fifth leg, people are hysterical and everything is skyrocketing
    > every day."
    > The prime reason for seeking him out again was to ask where he thinks
    > we are now. Copper, for example, has almost doubled in value since the
    > start of this year, to about $8,000 a tonne. Rises of 8% and even 10%
    > have been seen in single days, bringing to mind Rogers' description of
    > his "fifth leg" - "hysterical" and "skyrocketing". So, is this the
    > end?
    > "Looking back at previous bull markets in commodities, the shortest
    > has lasted 15 years and the longest has lasted 23 years," says Rogers.
    > "This one started in early 1999, so if it's going to last 18 years or
    > so, we are a third of the way. That's not a prediction, I'm just
    > pointing out what history would indicate: that this bull market will
    > end some time between 2014 and 2022."
    > This statement will strike many as irresponsible. The theory that
    > metals prices are displaying bubble-like characteristics is a pretty
    > solid consensus in the financial establishment.
    > Credibility
    > Rogers is having none of it. "Where is the copper coming from that's
    > going to drive down the price of copper and keep it down? Where are
    > the mines? All these people talking about a bubble are the same people
    > who missed the move completely and were buying dotcom stocks, so I
    > don't give them much credibility. I suggest it would be better to
    > listen to someone who was saying, 'Buy commodities', in 1999.
    > "How can you say it's a bubble when silver is 75% below its all-time
    > high? Copper, when you adjust for inflation, is not at an all-time
    > high. And oil, when you adjust for inflation, is far below its
    > all-time high. Where's the oil going to come from? Nobody can give me
    > an answer, including Shell, Exxon, Chevron. They're out there looking
    > for oil, and they don't know where it's coming from." It is
    > well-accepted that oil and mining firms under-invested in exploration
    > in the 1990s. Low prices are never an incentive to look for more of
    > anything. High prices encourage exploration and investment, but it can
    > take a decade to bring a find to production. The miners would love to
    > cash in on current prices but, with short supplies of everything from
    > dumper-truck wheels to oil for lamps, it is a struggle to dig faster.
    > However, even Rogers, the superbull, admits that commodities are not a
    > one-way bet in the short term.
    > "There will definitely be consolidations along the way," he says. "In
    > the 1970s, gold went down by 50% in two years and then it rose by
    > 850%. That sort of thing happens in bull markets." The cause of a
    > correction - or consolidation, as Rogers calls it - could be anything,
    > he argues, from a slowdown in China to a bird flu outbreak in Germany.
    > "Something always causes consolidations and some of them will be
    > dramatic. It could go down 20%, 30%, 40%, but I'm not going to try to
    > time it because the bull market will still be there. Oil went down 50%
    > in 2000 and has since risen 500%. Some people will be scared by
    > consolidations and will get out. I think they're mistaken. I'm not
    > selling anything. This bull market's got another 10 to 15 years to
    > go."
    > To sceptical ears, that sounds horribly reminiscent of some of the
    > wild declarations of dotcom gurus who spotted a good thing but not the
    > subsequent crash.
    > Rogers, 63, is rich enough to do his own thing. Having worked with
    > Soros to found one of the first and most successful hedge funds,
    > Quantum, in 1973, he retired at 37 to manage his money. But it is only
    > fair to point out that most other long-term bulls of commodities
    > accept that prices are infected by speculative money. Their advice
    > would be to wait for a correction before stepping into the market.
    > Opportunities
    > Rogers thinks the best opportunities in commodities lie not with
    > metals. "Agricultural commodities are the most attractive," he says.
    > "Sugar is 80% below its all-time high. Maize is 60% below its all-time
    > high - so is cotton. Adjusted for inflation, some of these commodities
    > are 80%, 90% below their all-time highs.
    > "The hectares devoted to wheat have been declining for 30 years. The
    > world has consumed more food than it has produced for the past five
    > years, and that's the first time in recorded history that that's
    > happened. We've had no worldwide drought for several years. I don't
    > know if we'll have one again, but I know what happened in the 1960s
    > and 1970s when we had droughts with low stocks of nutrition. The price
    > of sugar went up 47-fold in an eight-year period."
    > Guardian Unlimited (c) Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006

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