but of course the fires are particularly ferocious, driven by an...

  1. 51,232 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    but of course the fires are particularly ferocious, driven by an out of season cyclonic blast of hot dry air instead of the normal wet season.

    minimising the extreme nature of these fires or getting distracted by ignition is to simply ignore the obvious.

    there enough evidence in this one event to cause even the dimmest brains to question the cause. but add this event to all the others that are equally intense and destructive, such as the flooding that destroyed towns all along the spine of the European continent, the Alps from Russia to Belgium, and you can then see the pattern that tells us this is not the normal climatic conditions we were once accustomed to.

    this is climate change Wang. we truly need to understand this phenomenon. rejecting the evidence, the data, the consistent trend toward worsening climatic conditions is to leave us unprepared to face these fiercely destructive weather systems when they come home to us.

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