SOMEONE'S ASLEEP AT THE WHEELLarry Pickering 1 day ago 3 0 As...

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    Larry Pickering 1 day ago 3 0

    As illegal immigration becomes the major election issue, a culture of indifference by authorities as to who enters our borders has slowly emerged. Here’s just one reason why... explained by one of many exasperated AFP whistle-blowers.

    “Giving them phones was an expensive way to discover who they are but if they arrived by boat without any form of ID it was really the only way we had”, according to the AFP officer. “But now it’s all gone wrong!”

    Millions of dollars spent on supplying phones and paying for calls (up to $20,000 a quarter for a single male detainee) has allowed ASIO to track their contacts via conversations and texts back to family members.

    “ ...they got smart, they used coded messages, but by using interpreters we could mostly figure out what they were saying... well, that’s when we could trust the interpreters.

    “Some of them spent 8 hours every day on the phone and we needed a full-time person plus an interpreter for each detainee to try to unscramble it all”, said the officer who spent 18 months at a major detention centre.

    He asked that I not name the centre.

    There was frustration and hopelessness in his demeanour as he explained the process in past tense:

    “Sometimes we knew they were up to no good but if we knocked them back they just used the appeals process to have our security rulings overturned.

    "It was almost impossible to legally prove intent when they talked in coded stuff and in different dialects. Now it’s just one big mess. Everyone’s given up.

    "These guys are too smart and we have made it easier for them.”

    Was frustration the reason he asked for a transfer?
    “Yeah, it’s a crazy system. These guys threw any ID they had overboard knowing it would take us months, even years, to discover who they were and in the meantime they were allowed to live in our suburbs on bridging visas with 89% of the Newstart allowance and all sorts of other shit.

    “The worst part is when we know there’s something dodgy about a detainee but we can’t legally prove it. We have to ignore it or we get tied up with one guy in an appeals tribunal instead of rushing to try to process the thousands of waiting arrivals before they get released on these damned bridging visas.

    “It’s reached a stage now that, unless you were Osama bin Laden’s Imam, they will wave you through. There’s just too many of them.”

    It appears from many other sources of information, the processing of illegal immigrants has become nigh impossible and those responsible for border control have all but given up.

    It’s another classic case of throwing voluminous amounts money at a problem and simply walking away from it.

    Deceiving our security protocols has become an Islamic art form.

    Cell phones might have been a bright idea initially but with tens of thousands used for free calls to each other, and back to their countries of origin, they now know more about us than we do about them.

    Immigration has built Australia, we need it and welcome it but we must know who our immigrants are.

    The moneyed Islamists have discovered a way to reside here, unidentified, while destitute, legitimate refugees sit rotting and starving in cages in Malaysia.

    You can forget Labor’s museum of other disasters, unless this one is fixed soon we better start looking for another island.
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