AUL 0.00% 28.5¢ austar gold limited

Something happening with Exergen, page-24

  1. akq
    3,592 Posts.
    Here Here,Vertigo,sick of reading how IK will sell us out.At Deans Marsh because he is a man of integrity(and of course it wasnt the main prize) he walked away,at Mt Mull he kept at it to get as far as the ILUA etc(whole new ball game with Labour back in so possibly in vain) but I just dont see him putting up with all the crap from us Shs(me included) just for the sake of a quick deal as soon as Exergen come courting.TO based on current price we would be lucky to get 2c or so,he hasnt courted our SI"s and started doing presntations for a piddly return
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