SYG synergy equities group limited

I have never said they have a good track record. All I have said...

  1. 37 Posts.
    I have never said they have a good track record. All I have said is they have a couple of good products and some good customers. Yes they entered into reseller agreements last year however the product was not pushed to larger clients as Synergy felt several changes needed to be made first. As a user going fromt he first version to 6.2 the change was significant and waranted the holding off of selling it to bigger client. Imagine they had not held off and some bigger clients took it up, were dissapointed with the product and ditched it. You would never get them back plus new clients would avoid it.

    You have missed the target client base of data-incrypt as well. It is not aimed at home users, micro businesses or even small businesses. It works just as well for them (I am a small business) but the target client is medium to large business. The reason? The Synergy Data Centre. One of the most secure in the country (not counting private data centres). No other internet backup platform offers such a secure centre. All the other products target small home and business users. Where are the data centres? Overseas somewhere and probably not even a single data centre. Just encrypted data on hundreds of different servers spread all over the place.

    So the big selling point is a secure, upto date, multiple reduncy data centre. This is what big businesses want. Also a big client is much better than small clients. For a big client changing backup providers is a big deal. SO if you can get a big client then is is likely you will have them for at least 5 years or more if the your service and product is great.

    I also have never said they are going well right now and revenue is poring in. All I have ever said is I believe in the products and the potential future profits they can bring in. I believe the company is on the brink of realising that revenue. The new initiative that has been put in place is reducing the upload trafic cost per MB to 2c on a 12 month plan or nothing on a 24 month plan. Therefore synergy lock in a client for at least 24 months because almost everyone will want to save the $.

    I am not going to dispute the comment that Ron is probably paid a little bit too much in comparison to other companies in the same situation however there isnt much we can do about that and it is probably only $75,000 more than what would be reasonable considering the position the company was in when he took over, who would have wanted to put up with all that in-fighting. $75,000 a year is nothing in the scheme of things. Besides if he is getting paid more than he should he has an even bigger vested interest to get the revenues flowing and make a sucess of the company so he can keep the inflated salary.

    Lost 1/3 of your money? You bought at around 2.1c then so that must be sometime in 2002 or 2001. That was when they were developing the electronic payments gateway system which was the main purpose of the Data Centre. Data-incrypt wasnt even thought of (I believe) and SMX wasn't either. They do get revenue from the payment gateway but they have not picked up much in the way of clients however the clients they do have are well known. Technology companies are notoriously volatile. I first bought at 6c before it was even Synergy. However at this stage my shares have cost me nothing. I have slowly increased my core holding at around .006 and have traded some on the side for some nice profits. New products are not born overnight, will always have teething problems, bugs etc to iron out and will always result in some nice spikes in the share price.

    Ron has changed the focus of the company from a payments solution to a secure backup and recovery system plus a secure email technology. This takes time. Perhaps could have been done quicker without all the side distractions of Nikolenko, Float etc and the mining tenements legal battle.

    Anyway to be an investor in Synergy you need to believe in the products. If you dont then you shouldnt be an investor in the company.

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