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    Investing in copper
    Keith Cotterill
    Published : Thu 13 Apr, 2006

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    Investing in copper

    ALL TIME highs - copper prices are literally going

    The copper bull story is quickly told — and quickly
    grasped when you see the performance of Phelps Dodge,
    (one of the world's largest producers of the metal)
    in the past 16 months:

    - Supply is down - Chile’s production has slipped
    and new mines aren’t being discovered. Prospectors
    haven’t found any easy (cheap) new fields in 100
    years. In short, we’re running low on supplies...
    dangerously low.

    - Demand is through the roof - Copper is needed for
    wiring and plumbing and there is seemingly no viable

    China’s roaring economic growth is being powered by a
    massive build-out of the electrical grid, and this
    demand alone has shaken the delicate balance that
    held copper below $1 a pound for decades. And I mean
    shaken it to the ground: at $2.30 a pound, which it
    has now hit, we are in uncharted territory.
    Investing in copper: Indispensable uses
    Though copper is neither a precious metal nor a
    source of energy, it boasts indispensable industrial,
    technological and economic's one of the
    most important nonferrous commodities today.

    Prices have soared in the last four years with all-
    time highs being achieved this week. Those companies
    that produce and sell copper have watched their
    revenues and profits skyrocket in this time, and have
    consequentially provided their shareholders with very
    handsome gains.

    In the 1980s and 1990s commodities were beaten and
    battered. Inventories were full, mines and drills
    were shut down left, right and centre, and for all
    consumption purposes, commodities were cheap and easy
    to get. Aside from the occasional bear-market rally,
    from an investor’s standpoint commodities were the
    dogs of the markets.

    Well, how times have changed...The global economy is
    growing at a fast and furious pace led by the super-
    economies of China and India.
    Investing in copper: Supply and demand
    Commodities that were once undervalued are now
    starting to rise in price due to the simple economic
    imbalance of supply and demand. Industrial
    development and growth in manufacturing and high
    technology have kicked up demand for the various
    natural resources used in their production causing
    global inventories to sharply decline as they
    struggle to keep up with this new-found demand.

    Copper falls comfortably into this cycle and China’s
    voracious appetite for this metal has almost single-
    handedly emptied warehouses, drastically decreasing
    worldwide stock levels.

    Look what happened in July of last year...copper
    stocks at the London Metals Exchange (LME) hit 31-
    year lows of 25,550 tonnes...the equivalent of less
    than two days of global consumption. The hundreds of
    warehouses around the world, most commissioned and
    approved by the major metal exchanges (LME, COMEX,
    SHFE) have seen their inventories hit dangerously low

    According to, China’s demand for copper has
    hit such extremes that in 2002 it created a large
    state-owned enterprise to exploit the international
    development of nonferrous metals, mainly copper. The
    firm is called China Nonferrous Metal Mining &
    Construction Co., Ltd. (CNMC). Nearly four years
    later CNMC has operations in over 30 different
    countries and is aggressively feeding its smelters
    back home.
    Investing in copper: "...exploit overseas mineral resources"
    Upon CNMC’s creation, Zhang Jian, general manager of
    China Nonferrous Metal Industry’s Foreign Engineering
    and Construction Group Company (CNFC) said, "It is of
    strategic significance to China’s economic
    development to set up a long-term and stable overseas
    mineral resources supply base. However many domestic
    small-scale nonferrous companies are incapable of
    solely tapping mines abroad. The only way is to
    jointly exploit overseas mineral resources."

    With China as well as many other growing economies
    drawing down global inventories, it becomes clear why
    copper prices are on the rise and why we are
    currently facing a global copper deficit.
    Investing in copper: How to play the bull run
    So how do you play this bull-run in copper?

    First and most important, just like any other metal
    pulled from the ground, copper is dependent on miners
    to ultimately provide the supply.

    To keep up with today and tomorrow's copper demand,
    mined output will need to increase.

    Sounds simple...but as with all metals, ramping up
    production and opening up new mines requires
    significant time and capital. And I reckon it's
    during that time, or cycle, that investors have the
    opportunity to take advantage of rising prices.

    The USA's Copper Development Association (CDA)
    estimates that global copper resources are nearly 6
    trillion pounds. The CDA also estimates that
    throughout history only 700 billion pounds of copper
    have been mined.

    These massive reserves coupled with copper’s high
    recycle rate show we have no imminent risk of ever
    running out of the stuff. So for copper it is not an
    issue of rarity or store of value, rather a matter of
    ramping up supply to meet demand. And just like all
    commodities, until this happens, market forces will
    adjust the prices accordingly in the upwards
    direction and give investors the opportunity to go
    long and profit...

    And that's exactly what traders are doing today
    explains Keith Cotterill...
    Investing in copper: Recent movements
    Momentum-based buying and a continuing strike against
    Grupo Mexico - causing the company to declare a force
    majeure - enabled new copper futures to finish with a
    gain on Tuesday.

    However, the metal did back down from its record
    overnight highs on profit-taking. Contributing
    factors to this included a pullback in energy and
    other precious metals and expectations that a run-off
    will be needed in the Peruvian presidential

    The most-active May copper contract settled up 1.25
    cents to $2.7215 per pound on the Comex division of
    the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    Three-month copper in London managed to sneak just
    above $6,000 a metric tonne earlier in the day, and
    Comex May copper got as high as $2.7380 overnight.

    Some of the support came from news that Grupo Mexico
    declared a force majeure on some deliveries of copper
    and molybdenum after a strike at the La Caridad
    copper mine. The strike itself, which began on the
    24th March, also remains a supportive influence
    explained Dan Vaught, futures analyst with A.G.

    "They're still talking and it sounds like they're
    pretty far apart," he said.
    Investing in copper: Speculative and investment buying
    One trader commented that Comex May copper has now
    put in a fresh contract high 10 business days in a
    row. Speculative and investment buying has continued.

    "There is a very tight basic supply/demand balance
    around the world, and economic growth has been
    surprisingly strong so far this year," said Patricia
    Mohr, vice president with Scotiabank.

    Traders in New York and London alike commented that
    the metal pulled back from the overnight highs on
    long liquidation. The May futures slipped to $2.6830
    overnight, and were lower for a while in early pit
    trading, before regaining their footing.

    "You saw profit-taking," said one trader.

    Vaught attributed some of copper's strength to
    "overall upward momentum." Also, he pointed out that
    the dollar was softer as copper was closing, which
    does tend to help metals.

    Vaught commented that some of the pullback from
    copper's fresh highs may be a reaction to news
    reports suggesting a run-off may be needed in the
    Peruvian presidential election. The front-runner is
    not expected to have a majority in the Sunday vote.
    Some of copper's strength on Monday was because the
    front-runner, nationalist candidate Ollanta Humala,
    is viewed as favouring increased taxes and regulation
    on the mining industry, which could, overtime, reduce

    Vaught also attributed some of copper's pullback to
    other markets being unable to sustain earlier
    momentum. Comex gold set a 25-year high overnight but
    June futures were down roughly $3 as gold was
    closing. Also, May crude was little changed near
    Monday's $68.74 close after peaking at $69.45

    Right now we are seeing some weakness in response to
    the addition to LME stockpiles overnight. Inventories
    of copper in London Metal Exchange warehouses rose
    550 metric tonnes Tuesday, leaving them at 112,350
    metric tonnes.
    Investing in copper: Comex stocks data
    The most recent Comex stocks data, released late
    Monday afternoon, were down 369 short tonnes at
    19,020 short tonnes. If you ask me, this is a short-
    term measure to stave back prices. But it can't last.
    Just watch copper fly...

    Though copper has no store of value, its innumerable
    industrial uses are absolutely invaluable.

    The geopolitics of copper also play an important role
    in today’s copper market. And Chile is the biggest
    player in there. More copper comes out of Chile than
    any other country in the world, by far.

    Much of it is mined by state-owned firm Codelco, but
    a massive international presence is aggressively
    increasing its stake into the rich Chilean copper
    regions. The copper industry is so big along the Pan
    American Highway, especially in Chile and Peru, that
    it has become the lifeblood of their economies.

    But this can pose risks too...

    Only June of last year a 7.9 magnitude earthquake
    rattled the country halting all mining operations.

    Also towards the end of last year sizable strikes by
    Chilean mining employees temporarily hampered

    Many analysts believe the earthquakes and strikes in
    Chile are what sustained and pushed higher copper
    prices last year out of fear that production would be
    seriously depressed. But according to Cochilco, those
    anomalies were insignificant in regard to annual
    production estimates.

    One thing's for sure, however...until there is
    equilibrium in global supply and demand, copper
    prices will remain high and most likely move even
    Investing in copper: Taking advantage
    The question is, how can you take advantage of the copper bull market and leverage some of your capital?

    Just like the usual suspects of gold, silver and buy the stocks of its producers.

    Since 2001, the top four copper producers trading on
    the US exchanges have averaged gains in excess of
    450%, with some of the smaller miners doing just as
    well if not better. As copper prices continue to
    rise, so will the stock market gains of its

    There are two key ingredients that go into choosing
    the companies in which to invest your hard-earned
    capital, says Justice Litle, editor of Outstanding

    "The first is timing, and second are the fundamentals
    of the individual companies. Both of these
    ingredients take much time and research. But it's
    worth doing.

    "Timing the deployment of capital involves analysing
    the fundamental and technical trends of the copper
    market. If you are trading for the long-term then it
    is simplest to buy on the dips and ride out the
    copper bull. If you are more of a short-term or
    momentum player, then a little bit more goes into
    your entry and exit points.

    "Picking the individual companies that are best
    positioned to leverage the price of copper involves
    legwork as well. Of course there are always the
    biggest and best blue-chip producers, but
    opportunities are also abound in the intermediate and
    smaller miners and explorers. But extreme caution and
    prudence need to be taken in choosing these smaller
    cap companies."
    Investing in copper: "...the opportunity for legendary gains"
    The bottom line is that the reddish metal we call
    copper continues to show future promise in this
    exciting secular bull market. Global inventories are
    down and demand is up as the world economy grows.

    Whereas in the 1980s and 1990s commodities producers,
    including copper, were the black plague of stock’s commodities bull presents the
    opportunity for legendary gains to investors and
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