Explain the justification of this SOOKERIs some jewish right to...

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    Explain the justification of this SOOKER

    Is some jewish right to act like NAZIS

    Israel to Carry out Spate of Ethnic Cleansing Against Palestinian Villagers

    Tuesday, January 21 2003 @ 09:07 AM GMT

    "Shocked by the Israeli decision, the villagers appealed to the international community, especially the European Union, to pressurize the apartheid state to reconsider the measure .."

    By Khalid Amayreh

    OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - The Israeli government said on Monday it would go ahead with destroying hundreds of homes and businesses in two Arab villages bordering an apartheid fence Israel is building inside the west Bank.

    According to Palestinian sources in the Northern West Bank town of Tulkarm, the Israeli occupation army has already notified the proprietors of more than 170 homes and businesses that the structures will be destroyed in a few days.

    Many of the homes and other buildings slated for destruction are at the villages of Nazlat Isa and Baqa al Gharbiaya, both located along the former armistice line between the West Bank and Israel.

    In addition to the homes, the Israeli army informed villagers in the area of its decision to confiscate thousands of hectares of their land “for security reasons.”

    Shocked by the Israeli decision, the villagers appealed to the international community, especially the European Union, to pressurize the "apartheid state" to reconsider the draconian measure.

    One villager from Nazlat Isa, Mahmoud As’ad, opined that the wanton destruction of villagers’ homes and business as well as the wild seizure of their land was only the first step of what he called “a systematic Nazi-like campaign of ethnic cleansing.”

    “The Jews are doing to us what the Nazis did to them. They are destroying our homes, seizing our land and property, and telling us to leave,” she said.

    Last week, the Israeli army also notified villagers in several parts of the West Bank of decisions to destroy hundreds of homes located at or near the former armistice line.

    Some Palestinians and human rights activists are making analogies between the current rampage of home demolitions and land confiscation and the what the destruction by Israel in 1948 of 450-500 Palestinian villages and small towns for the purpose of preventing Palestinian refugees from returning to their homes.

    “If you count the number of homes they have dynamited in the course of the past two years alone, you will find out that they are after something very very evil. They destroy the homes, seize the land, and then evict us…Isn’t that what the Nazis did in Europe,” said Muhammed al Shawarib, one of the villagers affected by the latest house demolition campaign.

    Meanwhile, the Israeli army on Monday destroyed a home in Hebron which the Israeli radio said belonged to the family of a Palestinian activist.

    The home was reportedly dynamited in early morning hours after several children and their mother were evicted at gunpoint.

    Last week, the United States mildly rebuked Israel for wantonly destroying civilian homes.

    However, the Israeli government ignored the American rebuke, arguing that the rebuke was issued for public relations purposes.

    -[IAP News (iap.org).] Published at the Palestine Chronicle.

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