sophie delezio critical in hospital, page-33

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    For whatever reason this young girl has attracted these 'happenings' I know not but 'we' all create our own reality - cannot be any other way - so we can ask why me, why them etc etc however to heal one must deal with the present as best one can with the help of other humans.

    This is one case that a clairvoyant 'read' about someone who was suffering. All cases are different but it may help explain to some what is possible in plains other than the physical.

    Compassion is the Law of Laws.

    Was he then able to heal people? Sometimes he was, particularly in those cases where the karmic energies had mostly been neutralised by the person’s own corresponding good actions or perhaps by years of suffering or limitation, and he just needed to make some minor spiritual adjustments such for example as the application of elemental essence to patch a leaking aura. In other cases he would just supply recommendations for other alternative treatment such as homeopathy from a qualified practitioner. In some of these cases the patient recovered either immediately or shortly after their visit to him. However, in certain cases the adverse karma of the person was more serious, and due to inactivity or inability to redress the issues; the karma had become “ripe”, and consequently there was little anyone could do to effect a cure apart from a miracle and as Mr. Hodson reflected “even miracles occur under the law of cause and effect”. Such an example of a case with a negative prognosis is given below. This is one of several hundred superphysical investigations that Mr. Hodson conducted during his lifetime:

    “Case A Cerebral tumour. Female, aged 21. Medical Report.

    This case appeared to have a perfectly sound constitution with no disease, except that there were short periods of weakness which occurred at about thirteen.

    Suddenly, in September, 1924, strange visual phenomena began; objects were seen in duplicate or divided into two, as if on different planes. This lasted for a few weeks; then general weakness set in, sight diminished and finally disappeared from the left eye. The right eye followed suit after a few months. The ability to balance was also affected, until the patient could not stand.

    The doctors diagnosed tumour of the brain, and tried to extirpate the tumour, but unsuccessfully, owing to severe haemorrhage.

    Four months later a slight stroke of apoplexy occurred, from which the patient recovered with great difficulty. She has now found the use of her legs again, but sees no more, hears little, and cannot walk without leaning; nevertheless, she is up every day, though she lies down most of the time.

    At all times the intelligence has been most lucid and the memory perfect. She seems to have made a slight improvement; her faith in recovery is now assured, but there is no change in her blindness.

    Clairvoyant Diagnosis.

    There is a tumour the size of the terminal phalanx of the little finger in the position of the Optic Chiasma. It is composed of practically solid tissue, at the centre of which is a small body of an irritant nature. The direction of its growth is upwards; in shape it is like a broad bean with the convex surface downwards, and the centre source of irritation is at the “hilum” of the bean, occupying a space about 1/16th of an inch in diameter; there is some congealed blood at the base of the tumour surrounding this. The tumour does not look malignant, inflammatory, or unhealthy; but is increasing in size, and is caused by an impurity in the blood-stream which first set up the primary irritation. The only hope lies in the possibility of the primary irritant being removed and the blood-stream purified. The impurity seems to have been there since birth.

    The karma of having inflicted torture appears to be the root cause. In a previous life, as a male, under orders from a superior, with a Y-shaped iron instrument she had burned out the eyes of certain victims who were condemned to that particular form of punishment. It was in a remote period, in a district where Carthage was later built, when such tortures were not regarded as being so terrible as they would be nowadays, and were the recognised custom of the country. Nevertheless, the pain was so terrible to the victims that many of them died under it.

    Inwardly the patient revolted against the office, and obeyed only through fear. The physical karma is therefore worse than the moral and spiritual. In this life the physical karma will probably be exhausted. The chances of recovery are very remote, and a miracle would be demanded to effect it.

    The latest news of this patient confirms this last conclusion.”

    G. Hodson, The Science of Seership, Rider, London, 1933 (pp. 61-63)

    In this way Mr. Hodson came across a remarkable variety of causes of disease and suffering, some of them quite unusual by modern medical understanding; a common causal feature being - especially in the more serious and life-threatening diseases - the infliction of suffering upon others at some time in the past. This led him to recommend the spiritual life to people as a prophylactic for the long-term good of their physical health from life to life, as well as for its more established benefits.

    In terms of prescriptive forms of spiritual healing of a general nature, Mr. Hodson was rather reluctant to give his endorsement, having observed that in the absence of clairvoyant vision, healers sometimes inadvertently stimulate parts of the auric energy field or physical body which are already over stimulated. The only general approach that he recommended, which he said cannot have any harmful side-effects, was an invocation to the healing power of The Lord Jesus Christ. Despite his own remarkable access to different types of efficacious spiritual and energy based healing systems, both Mr. Hodson and his wife Sandra also performed this simple but efficacious method for almost an hour every morning. He said that even distance did not interfere with its effectiveness and he reported that they received letters and cables from people on their healing list from all over the world, who claimed their health to be greatly improved. His instructions were as follows, the procedure taking about one minute for each person:

    " I invoke the Healing Power of the Lord Jesus Christ upon ............... (use given and surname of the person, and think powerfully of them enveloped in the healing light of the Lord Christ, envisaging them as radiantly healthy, do not think of them in their diseased state at all).

    "May the healing Power of the Lord Jesus Christ descend upon him/her, pervade him/her, and remain with him/her, and may the holy angels encompass him/her, according to his/her karma (or if preferred "according to the will of God") --- AMEN".
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