sophie mirabella was the star of q &a , page-43

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    no scitty -

    it's the dirtiest fighter who wins.
    No holds barred - hit below the belt.

    Please don't mention the Westminster system, this patch-work illegitimate Greens/Labor "government", and Parliament House in the same breath.

    Gillard is to be loathed and detested for selling herself and her "government" out. NOT ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION
    coming up this week had anything remotely to do with ANY of Gillard's or Labor's election policies or propoganda! Voters are faced with, instead, a mish mash of legislative bubble and squeak dreamt up by the Greens, and the Independents. So much for election promises, and those ruddy debates she kept harping on about.
    And an outright LIE on this ludicrous carbon tax. And the more ludicrous "committee", who'll be paid by taxpayers to conclude what they'd already decided. This is just a smoke screen delaying tactic waiting for next Julky 1st when they have the Greens clout in the Senate and can then do precisely whatever they like!

    Amazing Sophie Mirabella - alone in a sea of left wing
    ridiculers. She was the token Right-Winger - showing huge class in the face of heavily stacked Panel, Audience, pre-arranged and vetted questions and questioners, and, worst of all, a heavily biased and discrimanatory "moderator" who always interrupts and hurries long anyone of the Right - but lets any of his Leftie mates ramble on and on ad nauseum! And our intellegences were insulted by the waste of spacer from the Sex Party.
    No Right winger should bother coming on to Q@A - it's a set-up for the Lefties.

    I notice a big shot IT billionaire in Sydney at a conference today warning Gillard that her NBN scheme will almost certainly be completely obsolete by the time she rolls it out in 7 years (needing to get it to 4000 homes per day, on HER track record on batts and BER, she'll have to get a move on!!)

    Lastly, thanks to Oakeshott, we're now having an aborgianl smoking welcome ceremony every day before prayers in Rumpus Room, er sorry, "Parliament House," could we minority also have a "Thank God for Captain Cook" ceremony too. Just to pop up our unworthy heads and let people know
    we are here too. And did our small bit towards progressing this great country. Perhaps a replica sailing ship across the pond out the front. We're not fussy.

    WE non indigenous are called racist. This "welcome to land" farce is racist - laying claim to a land which in reality no one has ever owned - nor will anyone ever own! We are ALL where we are via an accident of birth. Or migration. We are all Australians. I am not a second class citizen because my genealogy as related to Terra Australia doesn't go back for yonks, and my skin is white. Needing permission to walk on this land. Feeling like an intruder, or worse, an invader. My family, others families, contributed mightily to the advancement of this Australian civilization. One day it will end, and someone else will replace it. That's how history goes. So it's sad. But it's reality.

    And now on with the "Comedienne Australienne!!" Not enough comedy for you on TV these days? Tune in to Canberra!
    Guaranteed to be a riot!

    Well done Tony Abbott for showing backbone and spunk in the face of these phonies, crooks, and manipulators.

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