soros-if g20 fails global depression ahead..!!, page-9

  1. 540 Posts.

    To Soros ROgers and Faber you can add Schiff who recently interviewed Faber and are firm friends in the same club.. They are all supportive of the Austrian School Ludwig Van Mises Hayek and later Shumpeter ie strict free marketeeers

    You can also look at some of the work of Irving Fisher who the present Steven Keen idolises in his warnings on debt/asset values and Hyman Minsky

    This latter group still believe in some intervention ie post Keynesians but are strongly opposed to excessive debt, bubbles etc. In some areas they are in strong agreement on debt, easy credit etc but important differences around free markets.. Keen is def not a pure free market person. YOu can see some tension between them when George NEgus interviewed Shiff and Keens who both correctly called the credit crisis but would differ somewhat on what it caused it and majorly on what the remedies are
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