soros tries to legalise drugs in australia

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    An email I received from the Citizens Electoral council:

    If what they say is right,that Nadelmann should be hung....and NAB is supporting him?

    "Citizens Electoral Council of Australia
    Media Release 23rd of November 2010

    Craig Isherwood National Secretary
    PO Box 376 COBURG VIC 3058
    Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166
    Email: [email protected]

    Soros escalates war for dope down under

    Billionaire British agent George Soros is targeting Aussie kids in his war for drugs, deploying legalisation point-man Ethan Nadelmann to Australia to further his strategy to make changes in Australian drug laws a precedent for legalising dope in the U.S.

    Australian parents desperate to save their teenagers from ruined lives as doped-up zombies, will get a kick in the guts today, when Nadelmann, the director of Soross Drug Policy Alliance, gets a national audience at the National Press Club in Canberrasponsored by the National Australia Bank.

    Back in 2002, Washington-based Drug Policy Alliance spokesman Robert Sharpe admitted to The West Australians Norman Aisbett (30th November, 2002) that their strategy was to use Australia as a stalking horse for drug legalisation in the U.S. From a selfish perspective of wanting to change US drug laws, we need reform in Australia to help us pressure our legislators, while also believing its right for Australians [I]f Australia were to dramatically change its drug laws, it would be all over CNN and would impact the debate in the US so much more.

    Drug legalisation is aimed at destroying the sovereignty and functionality of nation-states, by destroying the cognitive capabilities of their peoples. Lawfully, given the history of the 19th century Opium Wars between China and Queen Victoriawhen the Crown invoked the principle of free trade to militarily force China to open its ports so its population could be doped out by British opiumto this day the drug legalisation agenda is run top-down by the British Crown, through right-wing free market think-tanks controlled by the Crowns Mont Pelerin Society, and, principally, through their one-man nation-wrecker, George Soros.

    Kicked off with funds from the highest echelons of the City of London, specifically the Rothschilds, and supervised by Britains Lord Malloch-Brown, Soros has waged economic warfare, financed social insurrection and pushed dope legalisation all over the world on behalf of the British Crown.

    His most significant recent accomplishment was the election of U.S. President Barack Obama, whom Soros financed from an unknown to pinch the Democratic Party nomination. Obama has done the British bidding on everything, from bailing out Wall Street to imposing a British-style rationed health care system to kill people in the name of balancing the budget; in terms of drugs, he changed U.S. policy in Afghanistan to align with British policy, and ordered U.S. troops to protect the opium crops that flooded the world with heroin and financed Saudi-linked terrorismonly the furious reaction of members of the U.S. government and the Russian government forced Obama to back away from this British policy.

    In Australia, Soros is already responsible for an epidemic of drug abuse among youth. His harm minimisation agenda, which condones drug use, was adopted by the Australias premier drug abuse charity, the Australian Drug Foundation, founded in the boardroom of the ANZ bank, which, backed by Soros and funding from the elite of Australias banks, corporations and private family foundations, achieved the widespread adoption of harm minimisation as policy by Australias government departments, and social organisations such as the Australian Football League (AFL).

    There is a high-level, protected entanglement between Australias illegal drug trade, and the political economic system:

    * As the sensational book Dope Inc. exposed was true worldwide, Australias banks are making a fortune from illegal drugs, by holding billions in black money, estimated by the Australian Federal Police a decade ago to be at least $7 billion; under legalisation, the dope trade will expand exponentially, as will the drug cash flows through the banks;
    * The most serious investigation into drug trafficking in Australia, the early-1980s Costigan Royal Commission, which turned up connections to some of Australias political and corporate elite, was shut down by the Hawke government, and its relevant findings sealed.
    * The Crowns own charity in Australia, the Queens Trust, was a major financial sponsor of the drug legalisation activities of the Australian Drug Foundation.

    Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood today called for Soross drug legalisation agenda and the whole illegal drug scene to be cleaned out from Australia.

    Its time to get rid of these dope-pushers, for our kids and for our nation, he said. And instead of offering that dope-pushing scum Nadelmann the podium at the Press Club, he should be run out of the country. "

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