part that disappoints you lefties the most is that he is very...

  1. 18,532 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 30
    part that disappoints you lefties the most is that he is very measured and knows when to attack and when to sit back.

    I think he learned a lot from John Howard - be the manager and the figurehead, however let your ministers run their portfolio's in line with the cabinet agreed strategy.

    Left cant handle that as they all have their own causes and backers to appease.

    albanese on the other hand really has nothing - tries to push a line that the Libs are irresponsible and should run with labor policies, however lets just call it premature ejaculation every time he opens his mouth.

    seriously albanese what an idiot has run with the Sri Lankins and that will go against him at the next election, has run with green power and when the power cuts kick in that will go against him, has run with the anti setka line - guaranteed to go against him has let that idiot keanelly be his mouth piece on a number of subject - that will not only have their senate leaders nickers in a knot but also go's against him in NSW.

    Running against the drug testing trials - must have been rubble on the radio this afternoon pushing the point that most Aussies work all of Monday and till 11am Tuesday to pay the taxman - what do you think that most taxpayers want? albanese looking for those voters that he can pull the wool over their eyes.
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