South Africa Farm Killings, page-32

  1. 87,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    "But it's not you it's your distant ancestor."

    1. you are off topic - the topic you began was about lack of media attention -

    I'm telling you why that is -------------- you aren't listening

    2. you think the 'logic' is that it's because it was his ancestors and not him -

    listen again ---------------- it's NOTHING to do with logic - it's EMOTION, it's built up over whatever it is - centuries

    emotion doesn't just go away - it most certainly doesn't just go away in a generation or 2 - if you think that -then, you don't have your eyes open

    try opening them

    when you do - you will find a groundswell of anger still in people who were harnessed as slaves and terribly abused - you will also find a groundswell of sympathy for them --------- which will extinguish much of any present anger/violence directed towards the symbols of that abuse ------- white people

    gosh, people might get so angry that they start pulling down statues

    I'll go back and say it again - no one or not many actually care much about any black people or any people killing white farmers in SA - and, IMO - it's pretty obvious why
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