The headline if we humans didn’t need lies to sell stories? ‘ANC...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 910
    The headline if we humans didn’t need lies to sell stories?
    ‘ANC party members, rich as sin, vote to destroy South Africa’s ability to feed itself, once again lining their pockets at the expense of their own people’.

    How did foreigners get in to Africa in the first place? The same as today- they found rulers who were only too keen to sell out their own people.

    Why are non indigenous Africans getting attacked, robber & even killed to chase them out?
    Because those same corrupt maggots in power are now selling their people’s future again by offering them what are essentially short term bribes.

    The farms etc will be taken over by Africans, they will have a party there for a few weeks while there is food in the farm etc... then once they’ve eaten/ruined what is there & destroyed the productivity of each farm they will move on to the next.

    Like locusts- the young are left to fend for themselves while the adults just move forward literally eating every thing they come across or destroying that which they can’t immediately consume.

    White men cant jump? Fair enough, I’m White & I don’t have a problem with that statement at all because on average, our African friends can jump a lot higher.

    Someday we might just see a really honest movie etc title ‘Black men can’t farm’?
    ( of course some can- just as some of us Whiteys can jump, but on average we can’t jump as well & they can’t... well, you get the idea ).

    We can’t all be good at everything & I’m very happy my parents didn’t try to take over basketball courts while leaving me starving behind them....
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