South Africa, aided and abetted by the current leadership looks...

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    South Africa, aided and abetted by the current leadership looks to be entering the "final solution" for any citizens of European descent. Time to take the last train out by the sounds.

    "So significant is the threat in South Africa, some genocide experts are urging Afrikaners to consider fleeing their homeland.

    Dr. Gregory Stanton, head of Genocide Watch and a man who himself fought against the apartheid system, warned as early as last year that South Africa was at Stage 6 out of 8 on the road to genocide: the planning and preparation phase.

    “There is thus strong circumstantial evidence of government support for the campaign of forced displacement and atrocities against white farmers and their families,” said Stanton, after a fact-finding mission to South Africa last year. “There is direct evidence of government incitement to genocide.”

    ...Moments after Mandela’s death was announced last week by current South African President Jacob Zuma, threats of killings and mayhem began appearing online.

    Sources from South Africa told WND – and reporters on the scene confirmed – residents in many areas began taking up the traditional, so-called “struggle songs,” which sing not just of liberating the black population, but pledge the mass-murder of whites..."

    Why they have stayed this long is perplexing. What too of those of mixed or Indian ancestry. Will they be the next on the block after those of European descent?

    South Africa will go the way of Zimbabwe, imo. Good luck to them with that.
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