South Australia to Mask Secondary Students - Pathetic Commissioner!, page-5

  1. 4,582 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 134
    If you believe so ram! Plenty of scientific papers now out there, also fyi an N95 mask has between a 70-90% efficacy rate. That said, I believe Dr Spurrier suggested even a cloth homemade one was okay?!?! - think logically. It's best to sometimes ask a simple WHY rather than try and convince oneself of their already pre-programmed mind or mindset; it is Science after all. Also just fyi there was a pretty comprehensive study done on N95 masks relating to pregnant healthcare workers, the findings were quite distressing. Results showed to impede gaseous exchange and imposes an additional workload on the metabolic system, guidance has since been changed - for a developing child, especially early teenage years it is vital that the lungs can work at full capacity.

    There was also that little pause as to will masks be made mandatory greater than the 7 day period, the answer was certainly open ended, that already know that it will be longer! Just easing you into it you see.

    Peace. NL.
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