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SP Discussion, page-16

  1. 1,311 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 444
    Smart money entering before action in the states tomorrow regarding the Farm Bill. As iv mentioned we should be focusing on US activities until Aus licences arrive which as stated in the report the ODC has requested further information which IMO is one of the last steps before approval.
    Am sure you will find better info with a search regarding the farm bill changes over the next couple months.

    By U.S. Hemp Roundtable | September 4, 2018

    The long-awaited first meeting of the US House/Senate Conference Committee on the 2018 Farm Bill will take place tomorrow, Wednesday, September 5, at 9:30 AM.  9 Senators and 47 Congressmen will sit down for the first time to try to reconcile the differences between the two versions of the bill, with the hopes of final passage by September 30, when the 2014 Farm Bill expires.

    As summarized here, prospects are bright that the House will agree to the Senate’s hemp provisions, which would permanently establish hemp as an agricultural commodity and remove it from the purview of the Controlled Substances Act.  Hemp’s most powerful advocate, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, has even taken the rare step of appointing himself to the conference committee to better ensure that the provisions he inserted remain in the final compromise.
    Last edited by Beginners_luck: 05/09/18
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