GWR 1.25% 8.1¢ gwr group limited

Fairstar as the new drivers? What sort? Don't they already share...

  1. MOQ
    138 Posts.
    Fairstar as the new drivers? What sort? Don't they already share the same non-executive director already? How is changing the drivers to FAS going to do anything when the director on both companies can't get it right in either?
    i reckon a whole new team. new drivers, new service pit crew even a new water boy. Clean slate.
    ohhh no by my negative comment it is going to bring the SP price down to .80! argh!!!!!!!!!
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8.0¢ 8.1¢ 8.0¢ $2.683K 33.16K

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1 106995 8.0¢

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8.2¢ 127192 1
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