So this American was on holiday in Barcelona and wandered into a...

  1. 232 Posts.
    So this American was on holiday in Barcelona and wandered into a typical Spanish restaurant which catered for the locals.
    He was studying the menu when he noticed that the locals on the next table were waxing lyrical about the food on their plates.
    They had called the waiter over and were singing the praises of a stew which they had all ordered.
    When the waiter came over to the American he said " I'll have what they are eating".
    The waiter said "I'm sorry Sir, we do not have any more of that dish today but if you like to order now for tomorrow we will be able serve you".
    The American immediately placed an order and asked "what was it they were eating anyway"?
    The waiter replied "they were eating bulls testicles". "They were fresh from the bull ring this morning, you will understand why we only have a limited supply".
    The next day the American re visited the restaurant, sat down and was told "yes they had his order and that he should be aware that it was considered a great honour to be served with this dish".
    When he had finished the waiter asked "had he enjoyed his meal"?
    "Yes said the American, but I was a little surprise that the size of my portion was some what smaller than those your customers received yesterday".
    "Ah well" said the the waiter "you know sometimes the bull wins".

    Happy Christmas Everyone - Stay with the turkey!!!!
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