Spanish giant applies to double size of Australia's biggest wind project, in the seat of David Littleproud.., page-10

  1. 48,982 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    the Libs used the same system. they said they were responsible for Mw of renewable energy, but they lied (as usual). States paid for a lot of renewable energy but the greatest bulk were and continue to be installed at the cost of the business investing. sometimes with a loan from ARENA, rarely with a grant (from the states).

    but now the fed govt has declared areas to be used for renewable energy, with the constructor responsible for connecting to the grid, which is already in existence nearby, investors are again prepared to invest. Dutton risks a lot of investment in renewable through being so vague in his nuclear announcements,

    Now nuclear under Dud's thought bubble will cost Aussie taxpayers many $Bns..... where will they find the money? especially since they already reduced govt revenues with tax cuts and forced the Labs to commit to the S3TCs..... so necessary the nuclear plants will increase the debt!

    I agree with nuclear tech. and with big business prepared to pay for construction and operation, why do we need Govt to "build and operate" nuclear energy plants?
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