Speed limited cars coming soon.

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    Another ulterior motive in the weird push for EV's. Just when you thought the police control grid state couldn't get any worse (or more stupid) we have this.

    All new cars will be fitted with speed limiters from 2022 under tough EU safety rules.

    - Speed limited cars are coming

    Most people we know have – usually at school – read the book “1984” by George Orwell. Many people already believe that “Big Brother” is already well and truly upon us but, for those who have any doubts, we’re about to get one step closer.

    As this article - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/money/cars/article-6851299/All-new-cars-fitted-mandatory-speed-limiters-2022-shock-EU-rules.html - details, the EU wants to make it mandatory that all new cars produced by 2022 be fitted with speed limiters that stop you from being able to exceed the posted speed limit, no matter what.

    Now, we have reported previously on the consistent reduction of speed limits on most major roads around the country – highways that used to be ‘safe’ to drive on at 90 or 100 have been lowered to 80 km/h. Secondary roads that used to be 70 or 80 have been reduced to 60km/h zones and the like. We’re sure that pretty much everyone reading this has seen a number of speed limits reduced in their own areas – we haven’t heard any reports of any roads having their speed limits increased though!

    This is clearly all about control and that’s why this new move is seriously concerning.

    The article includes comments from the AA President who is concerned that people will just drive at the speed limit no matter what the conditions – even when it might not be safe to do so – but does not in any way address the fact that speed limits have been artificially reduced and have no basis in reality, being referred to as a true speed ‘limit’ anymore. This is easily proven by the fact that so many people still exceed the speed limit on a daily basis and are never involved in any kind of an accident or incident. If the current speed ‘limits’ truly were limits then there would be complete carnage on our roads every day, which is clearly not the case.

    The whole concept of ‘speed limits’ is to control people’s freedom of movement and that is a huge step towards complete control by ‘Big Brother’.

    And, don’t think that just because this article is about the EU that we will escape this insanity here in Australia! As this article confirms - https://www.whichcar.com.au/news/speed-limiters-are-coming-to-australia - the exact same technology and legislative requirements are coming to Australia, and within the same time frames.

    It’s interesting that the article refers to current speedometers as being a ‘hurdle’ to this new technology. As we have previously explained, if “speed” really was the “biggest killer on our roads” – as the authorities claim – then surely something as simple as an annual speedo check (or least every time a roadworthy is completed) would be mandatory so people knew, with far greater certainty, the speed that they were actually doing. It is, of course, not mandatory, because the powers-that-be don’t actually want people to know what speed they are doing because they would miss out on hundreds of millions of dollars worth of revenue if they did!

    - The truth about ‘speed’

    As we detailed in the section above, the push towards cars that can actually limit the speed a motorist is traveling at is a very serious issue for numerous reasons. The biggest issue, of course, is that the entire premise for them – to supposedly improve ‘road safety’ - is fundamentally flawed.

    As we have detailed on our website for some 12 years now - http://aussiespeedingfines.com/downloads/Crash_Statistics.xls - speed is only “a” factor – not even “the” factor – in just 5% of accidents! So, why the big push to reduce speed and reduce speeding???

    This article– https://driving.ca/volvo/features/feature-story/motor-mouth-speed-versus-safety-is-faster-always-worse - was released after the EU announcement that we referred to in the previous section and it asks a very powerful question – “If speed really does kill, why is driving so much safer in Germany?” It is a very balanced, ‘middle of the road article’ but well worth a read because, even from that position, it makes it pretty clear what speed limits are really all about.


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