spies among us.........

  1. 1,481 Posts.
    I remember the frenzy the anti-Israeli lobby got into over the NZ deal with the passports

    Well...will ya look at this???

    Yo...... foolguy/costic/touu....its your Indonesian bum-buddies!!!!

    You know the ones....the ones you put out there as the best sample of democracy in the area - even over OZ....

    Hmmmmm....wonder what your spin is on this lot????

    Indonesia 'spied on Australians'
    By Tony Vermeer
    November 14, 2004

    THE outgoing head of Indonesia's spy agency has admitted it tapped phone calls by Australian politicians during the East Timor crisis.

    General Abdullah Hendropriyono also said the Australian embassy in Jakarta was bugged and suggested Indonesia had spies working in Australia.

    He made the revelations in an interview with Channel 9's Sunday program on his last day as head of the Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN), Indonesia's state intelligence agency.

    General Hendropriyono said BIN eavesdropped on Australian military and civilian phone calls during the East Timor crisis in 1999.

    "The Australian intelligence tapped all conversations with Indonesian armed-forces officers, but also civilians. Then we made some counter-taps, counter-bugging," he said.

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    Asked if Australian politicians were targets, he replied: "Politicians, yes."

    Hendropriyono said the program had provided a lot of information.

    A spokesman for Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said it was not unusual for foreign intelligence agencies to make such claims, but would not comment further.

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