There aren't too many advantages of getting older, however one...

  1. 81 Posts.

    There aren't too many advantages of getting older, however one is, that we older folks have had a good taste of some of the tough times over the last 30 years or so and what we are seeing at the moment with the Budget seems pretty tame in comparison .

    Example.... credit squeezes, recessions that we had to have, interest rates at 17% etc. etc.

    Could it be that we have become too used to the handouts from Government over the last few years??

    Could it be also that we Australians have forgotten how to live within our means in this developing cash-less society ?? Are we spending more than we earn thanks to credit cards etc. where many people find themselves constantly in debt to the banks because they have wanted something but not really needed it.

    Let's face it, thanks to clever marketing there are many wonderful things out there demanding that we buy them and if we buy more than we can afford, suddenly that credit card is maxed out and the bank demands 20% interest thank you sucker and then the pain begins....that's when we have to really knuckle down and start assessing just where we are at, what we have to get rid of and creating a budget to work within to enable us to break free of that debt.

    What the present Government is faced with is nearly identical however, in it's case the interest bill per month is close to 1000 Million that's serious money and guess where it's coming and me and business because the credit cards are all maxed out thanks to the previous Labor/Green government who still maintain that they left the economy in great shape. What are their personal finances like if they think like that ??

    No one likes losing a perk or having to pay more however, in this case it's pretty clear that we all have to swallow some bitter medicine to restore our country to good health instead of spitting the dummy and setting us on a downward spiral to become a third world country.

    Our children and our grandchildren deserve much more than inheriting such a thing due to our indifference, our complacency and our selfishness.

    The world does not owe us a living !!!!

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