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25 October 2007ASX LimitedCompany Announcements OfficeLevel 420...

  1. 49 Posts.
    25 October 2007
    ASX Limited
    Company Announcements Office
    Level 4
    20 Bridge Street
    SYDNEY NSW 2000
    Dear Sirs
    The EP 104/R1 Joint Venture has elected to run 7” (178mm) casing in the well bore to enable testing
    of the oil and gas shows observed in the Stokes Bay-1 well. Testing will commence from the bottom
    zones upwards as is standard oilfield practice.
    Empire is carried through this programme of casing and testing as part of its EP 104/R1 Farmin
    Agreement where it is carried through the costs of any completion of the Stokes Bay-1 well.
    It is proposed to test the deeper Nullara Formation carbonate section first. The interval of interest is
    that interval where drilling fluids were lost in the well bore upon deepening the well to the Nullara
    Formation. This interval is called a lost circulation zone and is indicative of a very porous and
    permeable reservoir. Testing of the Nullara Formation lost circulation zone is designed to determine
    whether it is hydrocarbon bearing as it is in the Blina Oilfield, located along the Pinnacle Fault trend
    100 kms south east.
    Empire, upon electing to go Non-Consent, has minimised risk expenditure of the deeper drilling
    operations whilst retaining the right to “back in” to any deeper objectives paying the “back in” penalty
    out of any future oil and gas production, if hydrocarbons are present and they are completed for
    commercial production.
    Testing of the Lower Anderson Formation sands, where several zones are interpreted to have oil
    saturations, are on the test programme agenda.
    It is anticipated that, upon the 7” casing being successfully landed and cemented, the first operation
    conducted by the Operator will be to test the Nullara Formation lost circulation zone. Further testing
    through casing of the Lower Anderson Formation will follow upon the EP 104/R1 Joint Venture being
    provided with that test programme for consideration.
    For personal use only
    I look forward to providing further details of this exciting test programme in the Stokes Bay-1 well.
    BSc (Hons), F. Aus. IMM, CPGeo
    Managing Director
    Empire Oil & Gas NL
    Suite 7, 154 Hampden Road, Nedlands WA 6009
    Telephone: 61 8 6389 2687
    Facsimile: 61 8 9386 6812
    Email: [email protected]
    For personal use only
    Date: 25th October 2007
    Permit: R1
    Well Location:
    Lat : 17o 08’ 23.46”S
    Long : 123o 42’ 32.40”E
    Directional offset to target: 1024 metres
    Ground Level is 12.4mAMSL
    Rotary Table is 18.1mAMSL
    Proposed Total Depth
    (measured KB): 2800 metres
    Prognosed drilling time: 15 days
    Spud Date: 0930 hrs, WST 3 October 2007
    Present Depth at 0600 hrs: 2755m MD
    Time of Reporting: 0600 hrs, WST 25th October 2007
    Operations Since Last
    Since last report on Thursday October 11th, drill pipe conveyed
    logging has been conducted. Drillpipe conveyed logs rather than
    wireline logs have been run to TD due the angle of the well and
    hole condition.
    Preliminary interpretation of these logs indicates:
    a) The Anderson Sands have some zones with potential oil
    saturations. The commercial significance of those zones
    will require formation testing to evaluate. Testing of the
    Anderson zones would follow operations to evaluate the
    deeper Nullara Formation. A joint venture decision on
    testing of the Anderson awaits availability of the test
    program and any relevant information to be derived from
    testing the Nullara Fm.
    b) The top of Nullara Formation has been interpreted at
    2722m MD. Below 2732m MD, the log quality is severely
    degraded by interpreted large scale vugular porosity such
    that quantitative interpretation is not possible.
    In addition to earlier reported drilling fluid (mud) losses into the
    Nullara section there have been continued losses while
    conditioning the well for logging and preparing to case the hole.
    Because of the losses and subsequent lack of mud and cuttings
    returns, there is no indication of fluid content in the Nullara
    porous section. As of 0600 today the wellbore is now properly
    stabilised and the forward plan is to run 178mm (7”) casing prior
    For personal use only
    to testing the Nullara Formation.
    As described in last week’s announcement, all JV partners are
    participating in the shallow part of Stokes Bay-1 (above 2589m
    MD). However, less than all parties are participating in the well
    below 2589m MD such that equity levels in this part of the Stokes
    Bay-1 well (below 2589m MD) are:
    • ARC Energy Limited – 69.25% (Operator)
    • Emerald Oil & Gas NL - 12.75%
    • Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL - 10.0%
    • First Australian Resources Limited - 8.0%
    Under the Joint Venture Operating Agreement, the nonparticipating
    parties in the deeper part of the well (Empire,
    Phoenix and Indigo) retain a future right to earn back into the well
    by the payment of penalties out of future production.
    Current Operations: POOH to run Casing
    Hydrocarbon indications: Mud gas and oil shows as noted in the Anderson Formation. No
    returns or shows from the Nullara Fm. due to mud losses.
    Comment: While the loss of mud to the Nullara Fm has created operational
    difficulties that have now been overcome, we are encouraged by
    the presence of both porosity and significant permeability in the
    Nullara reef section. Development of vugular porosity in this
    section is a well recognised play, having previously been the
    target of exploration in the Basin, and we note that it is host to oil
    production at Blina some 100km to the SE.
    The planned test of the Nullara Formation will determine fluid
    type and flow characteristics of the reservoir. The Stokes Bay
    intersection of the Nullara Fm is 80m up dip of the Pt Torment 1
    intersection which did not have the vugular porosity developed,
    but nevertheless tested gas at low rates.
    Participants in the Permit
    (post earning):
    Empire Oil and Gas NL - 14.8%
    ARC Energy Limited - 38.95% (Operator)
    Emerald Oil & Gas NL - 12.75%
    Pancontinental Oil & Gas NL - 10.0%
    Phoenix Resources PLC - 10.0%
    First Australian Resources Limited - 8.0%
    Indigo Oil Pty Ltd - 5.5%
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