SPQ 16.7% 0.7¢ superior resources limited

Bring it on Superior’s Managing Director, Peter Hwang...

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    Superior’s Managing Director, Peter Hwang commented:

    “We are naturally, very excited to see the rig turning again at Bottletree and we have a program that takes us to the south of last year’s line of holes to target a high priority interpreted central porphyry core.

    “In addition, we will also be defining the strike-extent of the significant wall rock mineralisation zone that extends from surface at the Discovery Outcrop to at least 850 metres down-dip depth with a thickness of at least 250 metres. With the zone open at depth and along strike, this represents a potentially sizeable wall rock copper deposit in its own right.

    “The wall rock mineralised zone, including a potential second wall rock zone located along the south western boundary of the prospect, would separately lead to one or more source porphyry intrusion centres. However, under the current program we aim to test the wall rock zones that lie above 500 metres depth.

    “Current reports from site are that the rig is progressing at a fast pace with the first hole, BTDD011, producing wall rock mineralisation that is characteristic of the Bottletree system. We will provide an update on the first hole when further and more complete information is available.”

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