spring has arrived

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Lovely morning up here. Pink and grey galahs (Major Mitchell?) checked in yesterday. Beautifully coloured, they have even bluffed the lorikeets this morning and a pair are currently muching away quite happily.

    Yellow tipped black cockatoos are also out and about this week. Far too flighty for the seed bowl, they stick to the tree-tops in groups and tend to shriek all day, even when feeding. Got carried away when we first moved here and planted about a hundred casuarinas in a realtively suuny spot, as I'd read they loved them. Well they look lovely now marching down the hill, but the cockatoos don't go near them. I'm thinking that the cockatoos won't be interested until they are much bigger trees as I have never seen them feed anywhere near the ground, only the highest treetops.

    Off to water some seedlings - michelef
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