st malachi's prophecy, page-72

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19
    re: st malachi's prophecy 4 the flock I can tell you right now that no nails (or superglue) were used as the crucifixion is a myth, a metaphor - it never happened.

    Please take particular note of the very last quote from the Egyptian Book of the Dead which starts 'Thou art the one' which means that you or I are the One God we are in manifestation in the world of duality as a spark of the Divine.


    It has served us well this myth of Christ - Pope Leo X

    We seek to advocate the fact that Jesus, the pseudo-biographical "Son of God" was, in fact, a fictional character based in part upon the Eighteenth Dynasty Egyptian renegade or "Fallen" Pharaohs Thutmoses III, Amenhotep III, Amenhotep IV (renamed Akhenaton), and Tutankhamen, the famed boy king. These personages, together with their wives, consorts and viziers, made up a single Pharaonic Dynasty. The Egyptian scholar Moustafa Gadalla, who specializes in the Eighteenth Dynasty, is convinced that Jesus Christ was the boy-king Tutankamun, who was previously called Tutankhaten after their family god Aten. Aten was one of many local gods and was not especially important until Akhenaton forced all Egypt to venerate this god. Aten was Akhenaton's personal family god and was not readily accepted by the rest of the Egyptian Priests. Akhenaton closed all other temples and shrines and, using military force, forbade the worship of other gods. This was the first time that cosmopolitan and egalitarian Egypt had to suffer such oppressive theorcratic tyranny. Gadalla offers us many cogent proofs to support his iconoclastic theories and presumptions, which cannot be given justice here, at this time. We can but highlight one extremely important point which concerns the word, name and title - of Christ. Christians would do well to ask where this term actually originated. Christians also have much to contemplate should they find the answer. Christians have not been permitted to know the truth about the Christ and his god that they think they worship. The time has come to separate fact from fiction, and to have laid bare before us, the truth about the extraordinary dramatis personae that have awed the world for millennia.

    The Jesus mediated to us by the Church is not the true Jesus. That is an artificial construction, assembled from true and false fragments of his biography, from authentic and invalid statements, and based on a great deal of inventiveness on the part of the Christian writers - Holger Kersten (The Original Jesus)

    ...this whole affair of which we speak and preach, and which is called Gospel, has no reference at all to any person that ever existed, or events that ever occurred upon earth - Rev. Robert Taylor (The Devil's Pulpit)

    The religious teaching presented in Paul’s Epistles is fundamentally different from what research has recognized as being authentic sayings of Jesus…What we know as Christianity today is not the teaching contained in these authentic sayings; it is the theology disseminated by Paul and the doctorers of his Epistles - Holger Kersten

    It was Rudolf Bultmann, the German Biblical scholar, who cited certain passages in the
    interpolations of Sophia herself, put into the mouth of Christ - Caitlin Matthews (Sophia: Goddess of Wisdom)

    The term "aten" (or aton), that we find at the end of the names Tutankhaten and Akhenaton, derives from the supreme god of this family. Aten was personified by the sun. Aten or Aton is the Adon or Adonai of the Hebrews and Levites who were exiled from Egypt. The suffix "ai" found in Adonai simply means "one of." Adonai, therefore, means "one of Adon" or "one of Aten." Adonai is officially known to be the active name of the Judeo-Christian god Jehovah (Ja, Jah, Yah, Yahweh, Ju, etc,). Originally, Jehovah was the god of the Egyptian Akhenaton, and his renegade family, and not of the so-called Hebrews and Levites. After all, as the Old Testament reveals, Moses did not recognize the god that spoke to him at the "Burning Bush," and had to ask for a name. Christ who was pronounced to be "sent" by Adonai/Jehovah, turns out to be "sent" by Aten. The man referred to as "Christ" was an emissary of Aten, and was based on the Pharaohs who instigated the monotheistic worship of Aten, Adon, Adonai, at Heliopolis and Thebes in Egypt. It is from this Cult of Aton, therefore, that what is now known as Judeo-Christianity arose. The various crimes of Judeo-Christianity must therefore be laid also at the door of this Cult which inspired them. Traditionally, Egyptian scholars glamorize the Eighteenth Dynasty Pharaohs so that we cannot see the truth. They also elaborately distort the actual histories and beliefs so that we place our focus of attention wherever they deem it to be focused. The truth of the monotheists of Aton is quite different than the lies that have been put before humankind. It is time for the lies to be exposed, and time for the real instigators of mayhem on this planet to be exposed.

    The Anointed One
    This term "Christ" derives from the Egyptian word Krist which means “the anointed.” In ancient times there was a process or ritual known as Horasis. During this rite the male's entire body was considered a phallus and was anointed accordingly. This originated from the rites of the Egyptian earth god Geb, and from the Hindu god Shiva. Geb's symbol, in Egypt, and still today, was the phallic obelisk reaching up from earth toward the sky, to the Goddess consort Nuith. Shiva's symbol was the Lingam stone, which was, and still is, ritually anointed with white milk representing the semen. The very word Messiah comes from messeh, which means "anointed."

    Anointing was an ancient custom throughout the East, by pouring aromatic oils on persons as a token of honor…it was also employed un consecrating priest, prophets, and kinds, and the places and instruments appointed for worship - (New American Cyclopedia)

    In ancient Palestine tradition it would seem kings, political and military chiefs, village heads and, in fact, any claimants to high office, were anointed and hence called the “anointed ones.”…some…after anointing, then became called “lord…”

    Origen, Epiphanius and Julian the Emperor all clearly reveal that John the Baptist, Judas and Jesus’ cousin, was a “Krist” figure, but made no references to Jesus himself attaining that status. Bishop Theodoret, writing in the Fifth Century, provided further conformation that Jesus was not one of the “krist” personalities although many others of his time were…The son of Poseidon and Meduse was called Khryst and the priests of Apollo were known as Khyrstes. In fact, the word Kristo and its derivations, Krst, Krist, Kristo, Khyst, and Krish-na, all appeared in every ancient religious system and showed the original Kristo concept was believed to be the personal and invisible mediator and guide between God and everything spiritual in man. The Krist concept has been an ancient religious tradition continually suppressed by the Catholic church through the centuries - Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud)

    According to Bishop Epiphanius, the Krist is the spiritual self within each person - Tony Bushby (The Bible Fraud)

    This anointing was commonly carried out by women, that is by ordained female archimandrites or priestesses. For this reason the Christian Gospels made sure to denigrate Mary Magdalene, the priestess who anointed Jesus with very costly spikenard.

    It is said of Mary and the women around Jesus that they "ministered unto him of their substance" - Picket & Prince (The Templar Revelation)

    More importantly, we have to understand that the Christ is a figure largely based on the Sun. The "Son" of God, the Light of the World, is really the "Sun" of God, the Light of the World. This is not as heretical as it may first sound, for when we do our homework, and when we open our eyes, we will discover that the elites within Judeo-Christianity know this all too well. In fact, their predecessors are the ones who decided, as many other pagan peoples had already done, to personify the Sun as a man. As diligent researchers know, monotheism - the belief in one god - is not a creation of Judaism. It was a concept known thousands of years previously. The Judeo-Christian god and his son have their prototypes in Egypt.

    Thou art the one, the God from the very beginnings of time, the heir of immortality, self-produced and self-born, thou didst create the earth and make man - (From the Egyptian Book of the Dead)
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