BIG 0.00% $2.22 burrendong minerals limited

You are far more forgiving than I am because they weren't just...

Currently unlisted. Proposed listing date: 31 MARCH 2025 12:00 PM AEDT ##
  1. 2,247 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 130
    You are far more forgiving than I am because they weren't just some mistakes that were made. My preference is for RE to be prosecuted, but in Australia that is unlikely to happen. Based on what we know, if this was the US I'd be fairly confident that he would be doing serious jail time. Three strikes and you're out (at least two too many), so I can't wait for him to go to allow the company to grow without this very flawed individual weighing it down. BIG's reputation within the investment community is damaged enough as it is and doesn't need the added burden of RE dragging it down.
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