Yeah, we need a plan B. Otherwise we are are simply being herded...

  1. 12,277 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 691
    Yeah, we need a plan B. Otherwise we are are simply being herded like sheep, which all the anti vaxxers, me included now, will bow down to the fascists. I truly cannot believe that there are not enough brave hearts to fight back.

    Heavens above, if I was younger, I would be the first in line.
    But maybe some of us older people could contribute financially ?

    I have many, many family members and friends in the UK.

    We cannot just stand aside and be dictated to.
    But how can we make our point and gather support if we are silenced?

    I am totally disgusted, by what is happening in my birth place.
    But I do feel that British people have GUTS they will fight back, one way or another.

    BEWARE you incoming traitors, the British people are strong.

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