Why do you blow your horn? “To keep the tigers away” But there...

  1. 4,702 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15
    Why do you blow your horn?
    “To keep the tigers away”
    But there are no tigers!
    “There you see!”

    The above may look like a total smart arse reply, but many many variables/differences between Aus and the rest of the world have contributed to CV’s lack of materialisation here.

    Not suggesting precautions should not have been taken, but discussions will be had for years to come about this overreaction and the damage it will have caused.

    Of course, whenever these discussions happen, the reply will be “but what if we didn’t...”

    For mine, the national debt, unemployment, mental health and suicide are secondary concerns to what I observe as the destruction of societies social fabric.

    I’m astounded at how easily the government has preyed upon humanities primal instincts of fear and greed.

    Greed was the first vice on display as people started to empty the supermarket shelves and in some instances profit from shortages.

    Fear, whipped up by constant media half truths and government hysteria has seen the population turn on one another. Treating once friends as diseased vermin, not to open the door to them for fear of the plaque. It’s become very medieval.

    The naming and shaming of couples sitting in the park, getting some fresh air, hounded by the boards on social media as the enemy of the people.

    A totalitarians wet dream. Never has a population (an educated one at that) screamed louder for deprivation of their liberties, “lock us down” they chant!

    Even a “conservative” government, can’t resist the temptation to instil tracking devices on smart phones. Against every conservative fibre, this act proves the “power corrupts” saying ten times over. The government can hardly believe its luck! How easy it is to have their population embrace another tool to inform them they are in the presence of sickness/death. And without question the people accept its for their own good.

    I will try not to be a total downer here and dwell on two positives.

    Firstly, in the last two months, I think I’ve learnt more about Hunan psychology than any university could taught me in a four year degree. (Not that this education has been free either).

    Secondly, I know know who’s door I could knock on (perhaps more importantly, whose I cannot knock on), in the event a real crisis occurs, if I needed help.

    But perhaps I shouldn’t dismiss a third and possibly greater benefit to this sorry saga. I feel like I’ve learnt more about my teenage daughters during this lockdown. Perhaps we’ve actually grown closer in this time. I have also immensely enjoyed hearing their progression in piano and violin. Not only has their music kept me sane, but I can appreciate the amount of work they have put in over the years and just how technically difficult their later stage AMEB syllabuses are.
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