statesman tony educating europe, page-169

  1. 5,033 Posts.

    A remarkable post - all those smiley faces - you wouldn't be baiting there would you Justis?

    What political commentary was contained within your little rant?

    Ben's post was spot on - Tony is a leader who called it out as it is. Its the left of centre media (predominantly funded by the taxpayer through the ALPBC) that kept promulgating saturation left wing clap trap that influenced the masses through the simplistic pollings. Tony would have been reelected - there is no doubt about that. Shorten is unelectable (his past is catching up with him - the least of your mates many sins was to sell out the worker he proported to represent - Shorten seems to have lost his moral compass like many of the left when it comes to comflicts of interests).
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